
“I personally would happily pay high H.O.A. fees to be in a neighborhood where I have to drive by an architecturally significant church every day, and I can hear church bells,” he said." My neighborhood is like this, but has no HOA fees. He might not like the Pride flags on the churches, though.
I know they get rolled all the time but for the Times to get rolled by “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is the Times putting the 14 words in the paper
If this is meant to be code for "conservative neighborhood", it fails so hard. Loads and loads of deep blue urban neighborhoods are awash in churches.
I really can hear the church bells from my yard. They are a few minutes slow, but quite lovely, I think. There are I think three active churches within two blocks of my house; the bells are attached to the Catholic one, and let me know when I can attend Mass.
Our voting place is in the Presbyterian church, which also has flags -- I haven't checked recently, but Pride flags and Immigrants Welcome Here and such are common. I was in a play at the Episcopal church, which also hosted Trivia Night.
There are also several majestic abandoned synagogues nearby; their congregations moved out when the trolley lines (which no longer exist) were extended further out. There are immense old synagogues strewn about Baltimore like this.
One ex-synagogue is now a Masonic hall of some sort. The part of me that is still a 6yo who wants to be Harriet the Spy has always been tempted to break into it and snoop around, but thus far The Adult Without has restrained The Child Within.
Several such churches in Savannah's historic district where I live and work and I actually use the bells tell time when I'm out and about on my bike.
Betting that Catholics don't count.
They always talk about what they WANT, but it’s always really all about what they DONT WANT what holds conservatives—and conservatism—together is not what they like or what they’re for; it’s what they hate and what they’re against.
But are they Christian? Or strange heterodox faiths like Episcopalian, Presbyterian, and AME?
Yes, but urban churches are for…you know.
*blinks confusedly from Boston*
I suspect I already know the answer, but did the reporter ask what "architecturally significant" meant?
“i would pay a lot of money to tell myself i am a certain kind of person living in a certain kind of world” seems to be at the core of a lot of our problems
One of the things I love about where I live is that there are dozens of congregations that have been around since 1692, and now they all have year-round pride signage. Cotton Mather must be spinning in his grave.
And the fact that the piece didn't even mention that northern Idaho has been regarded as a haven for neo-Nazis and white supremacists since the Aryan Nations set up shop there in the 1970s is just a gobsmacking omission.
Mordantly LOLing at the thought of these people trying to convince the rest of the klavern of the importance of historical preservation
Authentic frontier gibberish. Oh, and here's the very definition of an architecturally significant church, but I suspect that it's not what they mean when they're speaking in code.
Hopewell Baptist Church -
Speaking as someone who does HOA collections for a living - no he wouldn't. Once he actually got a bill he'd refuse to pay it. And then sell rather than pay the judgment.
I call my mom to chat while I run errands on foot & when she hears church bells, which she often does, she says “I know right where you are.” Between that church & my house I frequently pass groups of neighborhood women in hijab.
My neighborhood is literally called Cathedral. It is also the gayest neighborhood in town so buddy there would probably be very afraid of it.
He could spend the HOA fees on church membership instead, and help with the immense cost of maintaining an architecturally significant building.