Brian Houska

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Brian Houska

Reposted byAvatar Brian Houska
Guy literally had secrets in his bathroom, selling them to foreign nationals. Calls people to steal votes. Sends a mob to keep himself in office. This country pissing all over its history to bend over backwards for this guy? This is the guy we bring down the whole experiment for?
Reposted byAvatar Brian Houska
It's been two years. This day must be avenged. Vote.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Houska
Reminder that Trump plans a dictatorship. Please do everything in your power to stop him, no matter what you think of Joe Biden “Don’t you see why many Americans see such talk of dictatorship as contrary to our most cherished principles?” No, Trump said. “‘I think a lot of people like it.”
Reposted byAvatar Brian Houska
A full list of these Ludacris demands: 1. Move bitch 2. Get out the way 3. Get out the way bitch get out the way 4. Get back get back you don't know him like that 5. Get out his bizness his biz nass 6. Stay the fuck up out his biznass
Reposted byAvatar Brian Houska
Five years ago today, Jews were murdered at a Pittsburgh synagogue just a few days after an avid Trump supporter was caught sending pipe bombs to the array of political figures who topped Trump’s oft repeated list of “enemies of the people.”
Reposted byAvatar Brian Houska
In an alternate world where you are a murderer and Columbo is investigating you, what would he have to pretend that he and/or his wife are interested in?
Reposted byAvatar Brian Houska
In kind of a fury of how much ink is spilled over completely made up shit about trans kids compared to just a general complacency over 5 million kids being sent back into poverty.
End of feed.