
Related: it drives annoying people absolutely NUTS when you simply stop replying to them, depriving them of the argument-related dopamine they crave
Long ago, I realized I didn't have to have the last word, and that improved my life significantly.
So weird how half the "but muh free speech" discourse isn't about their right to say stuff, rather it's how the rest of us have to listen to them.
Once upon a time - like, circa 2013 - people in the liberal blogosphere started referring to this as being Sarah Palin's understanding of the First Amendment.
The "party of small government" wants government to force private platforms to host users they don't want. Ironic.
And, also, to NOT host speech they DO want, e.g., library book bans.
Republicans want government small enough to fit into someone's uterus, look through a keyhole, etc.