
Related: it drives annoying people absolutely NUTS when you simply stop replying to them, depriving them of the argument-related dopamine they crave
Long ago, I realized I didn't have to have the last word, and that improved my life significantly.
So weird how half the "but muh free speech" discourse isn't about their right to say stuff, rather it's how the rest of us have to listen to them.
Once upon a time - like, circa 2013 - people in the liberal blogosphere started referring to this as being Sarah Palin's understanding of the First Amendment.
The "party of small government" wants government to force private platforms to host users they don't want. Ironic.
And, also, to NOT host speech they DO want, e.g., library book bans.
Republicans want government small enough to fit into someone's uterus, look through a keyhole, etc.
One lesson I learned on Twitter was that you will not convince anyone on the internet of anything against their will, no matter how good your argument is and how bad theirs is. You can back them into a rhetorical corner and they’ll draw a door on the wall behind them and walk through it every time.
one of the fun/interesting things about how block culture has evolved on here is the degree to which it has revealed that blocking somebody when things are going off the rails is actually a KINDNESS
simply walking away is my favourite way to end an annoying discussion. also it's really low effort and i'm a very lazy person.
They're the same people who seem to think that any sort of contact requires a reply. I had a guy get really offended at the idea that I don't respond to emails I get from fans. 😅
I’m bad at this, so I type My absolute zinger, then delete it instead of posting.
I took a break from social media bc honestly I was too busy working from home, coaching multiple sports, & having a chronic illness (which all of the above made worse). Now I have time & figured out a couple years ago that replying bc you're annoyed makes you more annoyed & gives them oxygen
But then they start acting like they won which is arguably just as bad.
They really don’t start acting like that the vast majority of the time I’ve found
Honestly, it doesn’t matter. You don’t need to care what some incorrect thumb jockey thinks.
Sure, they may start acting like they won. But the rest of us are looking on, thinking, “what an absolute pillock.”
You'd be surprised how many agree with the absolute pillock.
Sure, but… what have they won? And what have I lost by blocking them. The troll I blocked this morning, and his tiny cadre of followers, can all shout about their “win” into the void. And I’m ok with that. As “wins” go in life, that’s a pretty sad one.
Realistically, nothing more than an uncontested pass to pretend they "owned the libs". Depending on how many followers they have vs how many you have, there is a chance they could spend 5 years trying to harass you into suicide and come close to success. Maybe that's just youtube.
All I am saying is that we desperately need a way to punch these people irl for their monstrous action online.
2008 was the last time I gave a shit what anyone thought about anything It was liberating
Power means not having to respond
Most of the time I just block without giving people a response and it's so much easier.