Fedorak Indexing

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Fedorak Indexing


Book indexer: humanities especially social justice, art, music, film, material culture, nonprofits, fashion, pop culture, feminism and how we make sense of the world

Curler, settler, she/her & klutz extraordinaire 🏳️‍🌈

SCIENCE CAT (my latest cartoon for New Scientist)
I'd include/gloss as I know of the term from fashion history. It's also the sort of term I think that one would remember and look up. I like to put in these sorts of things as a tidbit for the bookshop browser, hoping they flip to the text, read and hopefully get pulled in and purchase.
New CfP for The New Americanist (EUP)! "Bookselling, the Book Trade, and Literary Culture." Please consider submitting.
The moment we hit “send.”
This is actually a big accomplishment even if the character counts suggest otherwise. One third of my job is deciding terminology (for academic book indexes). You have added a piece to your book that will flavour your argument and shift how things are looked at.
The 2021 heat wave was the deadliest weather event in Canadian history. 651 deaths in the province of BC. Oregon saw at least 116 deaths related to heat and at least 112 in Washington. Our buildings simply aren't built for this sort of heat.
The royals and nobles don't show up that often for me, but when they do I don't recognize the name I always hope it's an easy one to figure out. I have the standard Indexing Names, and Mulvaney. What else would you recommend?
Ugh, this is making me want to take up weaving. There is no space in here for a loom. There is barely enough space for the knitting stash!
Yes please! When I get queries for my services (book indexer) I'll go to the author's institutional page to see what the project is about. There's a group (and it happens enough that it's not rare), that don't even have their current book's topic as an interest as their previous book is forthcoming
As an indexer I am careful about choosing my words to ensure the index is unbiased and reflects what's in the text. I'm always looking for other ways to think of terminology, categorization and context. Looking forward to reading this in the summer sun!
“To many, conscious language consists of kind, inclusive, and bias-free words. To me, the one who coined the term, this is…like reducing rainbows to seven colors. Conscious language is a philosophy and a practice that goes beyond terminology.”—The Conscious Style Guide 🌈 Excerpt | Buy #AmEditing
I loved these insights into crowds from my days working the bar at an auditorium/concert venue. Opera patrons did not drink. Not even coffee.
You're welcome. I meant to add that if one is looking for embedded index (into Word or InDesign) you need to look about 6 months before you submit your manuscript. There are fewer that do this more complicated coding work. Add in SME and the pool gets smaller. The work also takes longer.
Three months after handing in the ms is often when we index. Looking a month before you hand in the ms, gives you a larger choice of indexers, which is important for finding a good fit. Many authors are spent after submitting. They stop to breathe, get caught up and bam! They need an indexer.
Starting a new index today, this time heading off to the seas of Madagascar. Love my job! I've also just realized I need to set up a macro for Madagascar. All those alternating a's are reminding me of some technical exercises from my classical piano days. #IndexSky
If you have any questions about searching and hiring a book indexer #indexSky will reach our community on here. Also the American Society of Indexers, Indexing Society of Canada and Society of Indexers (UK) have searchable directories based on specializations.
Start your search early if you want an SME. For example I'm usually booked 3 months in advance and have a list of coming in the next year dates to be confirmed after MS submission.
There is. Board and deboard by window, middle and aisle instead of by row. When I was flying within Japan it was done this way and it was so fast.
Gotcha! Yes A is weak! Thank you for sharing that concept. I try to figure out a way to have those first entries pique interest when the metatopic isn't reflected immediately and abuse has definitely come up for me and remains solutionless.
Yes! Sometimes I do that when the heading doesn't have that feeling of coming together well (aka I can't face it!). Somehow going through the smaller ones helps to clarify or solidify where things are at.
I sort of do the opposite. I'll edit A-Z and maybe the leave large ones to the end. I find that if I do the large ones early I have a false sense of being close to the end!
There isn't the expectation that once one of the people as reached orgasm that sex is over. There is no refractory period so even if both parties have reached orgasm there is no need to stop.
Baptismal of fire! You've got this My rule for high heels. If you can't run to catch up with someone who dropped something/catch the bus you have no business wearing them. Heels should empower the wearer, not cobble them. The Charleston dance sequence in "It's a Wonderful Life" (Capra) is great
With an a. Baffin Island, largest island in Canada and second largest in the Americas. North of the Arctic Circle
Nooooo, must stop from going down wolf-rabbithole to investigate the scale. Is the Alexander the largest of them all? I feel like if they are presented to scale relative to all the other wolves, that there is a logic to the order or presentation, which seems higgledy-pigledy to me #JobHazard
It's been a while since an edited volume has given me a lot of grief. Here's to tempting fate!
evergreen academic meme 📚 #AcademicSky
Ahhh I too am wrapping up a rare (for me) trade book
Wait?! Do we have the same partner?
Month end round up: I indexed books on smuggling, ecological art practices, espionage and starving artists. #AcademicSky #LoveMyJob