Ethan Plaut

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Ethan Plaut

Scholar of computational media & communication in Aotearoa NZ. Code, news, silence when I can. Music when I can't. Tangata Tiriti, he/him, Jew. Previously: Palo Alto, SF, P.Penh, Fukui, Chicago
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A camera that you plug into your computer. Like the camera itself, not some puny cable. Yes, the whole camera goes into the computer because it is a camera and PC card! Toshiba PDR-2, 0.3MP from 1997. Shown with a IBM ThinkPad 760XL. #ShittyCameraChallenge
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One for the syntax folk 🐦🐦
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Dyscalculia means always telling the “how much could a banana cost? 10 dollars?” joke but you only know you’ve told it when people laugh
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in the 90s, if your art was just a single media your ass would get laughed off the cd-rom
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if you hover over an in-line numeric citation in the new Zotero, it automagically shows you what the number is referring to???
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Apparently being chronically online isn’t a form of relaxation, who would’ve thought
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Aotearoa NZ has high rates of both pet ownership and domestic violence This film premiering at centres on life and work at the secret shelter for pets escaping that violence
There's a secret animal shelter for pets from violent homes in Aotearoa NZ allowing victims of family violence to seek safety while knowing their animals are being cared for "Refuge: A Duty to Care" is Annie Goldson's new documentary, premiering this week at DocEdge 2024 in Ōtautahi 💜
Refuge: A Duty to Care (Trailer) Refuge: A Duty to Care centres on life and work at a secret haven that shelters pets from violent homes, allowing victims of family violence to seek safety while knowing their animals are cared for. This film explores the Pet Refuge, located in rural Aotearoa New Zealand, a temporary shelter for domestic animals with owners escaping violent homes. Research shows a majority of victims of family violence stay in dangerous situations for too long, fearing their animals will be harmed, neglected, or killed. Pets are often used by abusive individuals to exert control - to stop victims from leaving a violent home, or to force their return. The Pet Refuge, one of the first shelters of its kind in the world, looks after animals until survivors find a safe place to be reunited with their pets. Refuge is a moving mosaic showing the busy, loving life at Pet Refuge threaded with survivor/victims' compelling first-person stories. While the film addresses the persistent and pervasive problem of domestic violence in Aotearoa New Zealand and across the world, it also highlights our increasing awareness of the rights of animals - a recognition that they think, feel and suffer. Pet Refuge is a living example of a ‘duty to care’, a small but significant active intervention that has real value in addressing a seemingly overwhelming problem. ---- Refuge: A Duty to Care is having its world premiere at the Docedge Film Festival: Wed 26 Jun 6:15 PM Christchurch, Alice Cinema Fri 28 Jun 3:30 PM Christchurch, Lumiere Cinemas Bardot Sun 7 Jul 2:30 PM Auckland, The Capitol Cinema Sun 7 Jul 2:45 PM Wellington, The Roxy Cinema 1 Mon 15 Jul to Wed 31 Jul Virtual Cinema, New Zealand More information at
There's a secret animal shelter for pets from violent homes in Aotearoa NZ allowing victims of family violence to seek safety while knowing their animals are being cared for "Refuge: A Duty to Care" is Annie Goldson's new documentary, premiering this week at DocEdge 2024 in Ōtautahi 💜
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todays one of those days you wish there was a crying skull emoji
every endangered species with eyelids in Aotearoa nz looking like this 🧪
New: Conservation Minister Tama Potaka said yesterday he wants to see costings for saving every species, suggesting it may be more cost-effective to let some species go extinct.
Conservation minister says saving every species may be too Opposition MPs were gobsmacked by Tama Potaka's suggestion that it may be more cost-effective to let species go extinct, reports Marc Daalder
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Something I love about this place is that all the shitposters have graduate degrees
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More infuriating inside baseball: each dictionary publisher puts those dots in different places. The "correct" place to break the word on a line depends on which dictionary your publisher/style guide uses: Merriam-Webster: dic·tio·nary Webster's New World: dic·tion·ar·y
I would never put the hyphen after the o. Doesn’t it go after the n?! Dic-tion-ary. We need your expertise
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The way we’re all told to treat all this as normal. It’s fine that half your email is scams. It’s fine that you can’t answer your phone. It’s fine that every Instagram post is full of scam bait comments. It’s fine that people text you weird phishing links. Just adjust your behavior.
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Truly fantastic article from Renee DiResta describing how she became a central villain in the fantasies of the "bullshit industrial complex" (they wouldn't let her use that title) and explaining the ties to Jan 6, other attacks on researchers, and more.
My Encounter With the Fantasy-Industrial Online conspiracy theorists turned me into “CIA Renee.”
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I adored travel brochure displays when I was a kid, and I’m always happy to see one in the modern era.
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In the 2000s, anti-copyright activists were punching up by taking on the record and film industries. But now they’ve thrown their lot in with major tech companies (and the MPA) to try to stop artists from using copyright law to rein in generative AI.
Silicon Valley’s unlikely ally to defend generative Anti-copyright activists fought the film and music industries. Now they’re fighting artists who want to stop generative AI.
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As Jesse Gilbert and I discuss in our new book THE SECRET LIFE OF DATA, data #surveillance of #labor is an ongoing cat-and-mouse game with new and innovative forms of #resistance and counter-resistance emerging every day.
“Simulation of keyboard activity” leads to firing of Wells Fargo With worker surveillance on the rise, vendors sell devices to fake keyboard and mouse movement.
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Maybe we need to revive "han't" and "hain't"!
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NYT has comment sections for every Wordle and yesterday's Wordle was "MANGA"