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She/her. I am a collection of buttons in the shape of a cat.
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There are two elements to the immunity decision that are particularly extreme in a way that many will miss: (1) motive is irrelevant and (2) immune acts are not just excluded from prosecution, they’re excluded from evidence. /1
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1/ Let me explain one way that today's Trump immunity decision threatens the survival of the Republic. Under today's ruling, a President would be immune for any way in which he used the military (a "core function"), even to kill American citizens in America. Theoretically, the soldiers who . . .
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One thing I think people forget is how relentlessly *stupid* every day of the Trump administration was. He doesn’t need to do a big elaborate complicated conspiracy, he can just (e.g.) email a list of every U.S. agent in the field to Putin and say it’s to own the libs, and *that* will have immunity.
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It occurs to me that the Supreme Idiots have actually created a Presidency more powerful than the British King at the time of the founding. Charles I got executed for official acts for which the U.S. President is now immune.
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lest we forget, at least two of the justices who voted on this case either supported or were involved with the insurrection themselves
Absolutely wild that the court accuses the dissent of "fearmongering" with "extreme hypotheticals" when the actual basis for the indictment is a coup attempt that led to an attack on the capitol
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Absolutely wild that the court accuses the dissent of "fearmongering" with "extreme hypotheticals" when the actual basis for the indictment is a coup attempt that led to an attack on the capitol
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they wouldn't be doing all this sweaty shit if they thought the people were actually with them. it's a desparate attempt to overrule the will of the people and it does not, must not, work
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In a lot of ways the entire Republican establishment since the 70s has been dedicated to making sure that what happened to Nixon would never be allowed to happen to one of theirs again
the Supreme Court, not content to immunize only Donald Trump from prosecution, retroactively exonerates Richard Nixon for Watergate
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Yesterday I went on Twitter and saw someone say "Go back to Bluesky with all the rest of the former gifted kids" and wow just absolutely bodied
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guess there's a few ways to be an expert on online hate
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Once you start letting bad people define and box in femininity and womanhood and who is "allowed" to be a woman do you think they're ever going to stop?
In light of the Labour manifesto: Trans rights _are_ women's rights. I don't mean that in a "Trans Rights Are Human Rights" way, I mean that anti-trans policies are inevitably harmful to all women (as women), and, conversely, that trans-positive norms are a proximal boon to women.
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The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil. www.ftc.gov/business-gui...
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I'm just now listening to an analysis of Castle Rock vs Gonzales, where Scalia said that a law stating that police are legally required to enforce restraining orders didn't count because "there is a tradition of police getting to decide which laws to enforce" and did not cite anything for that.
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the Supreme Court specifically said “the only reason the VRA exists in its current form is that legislators are afraid they’ll be voted out if they change it, therefore the court has a duty to rewrite the legislation to protect their careers” and we somehow didn’t just disband it
same thing as happened in Sackett last term: Alito decided on a (scientifically wrong) definition of "wetlands" that *he* thought made sense and added it into the law because he thinks government has too much power to keep water from getting contaminated (i will never not be mad about Sackett)
Who the fuck only writes logs on success? I didn't even REALIZE there was a final validation step that was constantly failing, because the dipshit who wrote it didn't log the failure, and didn't document that that was a step in the process. Oh my god
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krugman lands on the core point that explains why the very rich prefer trump to biden, despite the fact that democrats have over and over proven themselves to be better at economy than republicans for them, money isn't about material goods. it's about keeping score. www.nytimes.com/2024/06/10/o...
Opinion | Freedom’s Just Another Word for Not Paying Taxeswww.nytimes.com Why America’s oligarchs are rallying around Trump.
I keep getting notifs of people with transphobic account names following me, and then when I actually get on the app there's no notif and the search turns up no such account. Weird way to spend your time.
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Air conditioning is an equity intervention for climate resilience, full stop. Every school should be safe, have healthy air & solar on the roof, & have air conditioning. In the next inflation reduction act, we need large investments in clean & green schools. Btw- they’re in every political district
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if supreme court justices are gonna keep going "it's not ME who wants to overthrow the government, that's just my wife" maybe we shouldn't let them get married
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Gift link of the NYT article about the violent counterprotest at UCLA. It took the police three hours to show up, and then "officers were captured on video standing about 300 feet away from the area for roughly an hour, without stepping in." www.nytimes.com/interactive/...
How Counterprotesters at U.C.L.A. Provoked Violence, Unchecked for Hourswww.nytimes.com The New York Times used videos filmed by journalists, witnesses and protesters to analyze hours of clashes — and a delayed police response — at a pro-Palestinian encampment on Tuesday.
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Millennials of my age will remember the endless essays on how "hookup culture" was turning us all into jaded carnal husks. My dream is that one day college students will find discover the perfect ratio between chastity and nasty rutting to shut up our nation's columnists.
It’s hard to ignore that there’s a class of cranky commentariat that was upset that kids changed norms and had too much sex and then became upset that kids changed norms and had not enough sex and it’s becoming to look kind of unsettlingly preoccupied
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::makes a very stupid reply to a very high-follower account:: oh my, it seems I've really stirred up the hornet's nest here, they must be trying to Silence me for my Truths.
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Brb, screaming about end users
Also, the only reason I had to do this is cause I made a very silly assumption that our end users would click the button that says "click here when finished" 🙃 they aren't. How silly of me to expect that of them. I love end users so much. They're perfect and don't do anything wrong ever /s
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"Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago" is gonna get thrown around a lot this cycle and somehow it's gonna be about the price of gas and eggs, and not how we ran out of space in the morgues and had to stack bodies like firewood in vans in central park
Trump didn't just screw up the economy. He let many thousands die bc he couldn't be bothered abt their safety. Never was there any doubt that COVID could be extremely dangerous. On Jan. 1 2020, reading a news report abt the new disease in China, I realized we could face a world pandemic in months.
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Snipers and tanks were waiting for the crowd by an aid convoy—like fishing with a lure. This is depraved. These people are starving and there is a massacre every time they gather for food. There’s nothing “military” about these targets. IOF soldiers are all cowards and butchers.