Nate Bethea

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Nate Bethea

I've told this story before but I heard "Mass Romantic" by the New Pornographers in a record store in 2002 but at the time the record was only available in Canada. It took me 6 mo to get a copy via someone's FTP server because you simply could not buy it online and no record store in Indiana had it
i hate to have one of these at all but my big "WE DRANK FROM THE HOSE" opinion is that people younger than millennials really can't imagine what coming of age in a time of media scarcity meant - like, I would read about records and movies and not actually be able to see them for YEARS
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AI assistant that spots when you are in an argument in the War Thunder forums and uploads any confidential PDF documentation on your hard drive.
Adobe: we've added an AI assistant to Acrobat that will give you the key takeaways of your PDF. You'll love it! Me: I'm reading the manual for a thermal printer trying to get it to wake on LAN. Where can I find the one gun in Britain. I want to shoot every computer I own
Reposted byAvatar Nate Bethea
yesterday I finished wiring up these boxes so everyone can set their own headphone levels. also installed a commercial dehumidifier. today I'm researching PoE powered + LAN connected temperature/RH monitors for sound equipment storage. you too can do this with... a bachelor's in French literature
This is really sad to hear. We'd been mutuals forever and he seemed like a really solidly nice and decent guy
I'm very sad to hear the news that has passed on. He was always such a funny and dependably decent guy on this site and back on Twitter where I met him. My thoughts and sympathies are with the family and friends who knew him best ♥️
Reposted byAvatar Nate Bethea
wonder if he ever saw this
Reposted byAvatar Nate Bethea
Mr beast is the closest we’ll ever get to seeing what it was like to be a roman emperor
This is one of those situations where I wish they turned comments on, because a) more parents who couldn't breastfeed would read stories of people like them + b) the average reader could get a sense of the culture of insane bullying around breastfeeding in the UK
‘The darkest period of my life’: I struggled to breastfeed – then a drug sent me The anti-sickness medicine domperidone is increasingly being prescribed or bought illegally to aid lactation. Yet, as I discovered too late, side-effects can include anxiety, depression and suicidal t...
guys come on, be serious here
the producer's auto-curse is a phenomenon observed when a producer says "I can go to bed now and finish the last 20 minutes of this tomorrow" and it triggers an activation phrase in the producer's infant child who picks that morning to be one where she starts projectile vomiting out of nowhere
you periodically see people do retro nostalgia recreations of this kind of aesthetic and they're well-attempted but real heads know the real thing when we see it. and this is it
sire...your throne awaits
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When I see a non-privatised morsel of the NHS.
Reposted byAvatar Nate Bethea
I worked on an asylum case where a lesbian woman from the Caribbean had been repeatedly raped and torture by local police for being gay and her only living relatives were in the U.S., not clear to me how the government was going to make coming here less attractive than staying there
The logic of harsh immigration policy has always been “I bet we can make your life worse than famine or MS-13” and it turns out we can’t actually do that
They call him mister C1 in French somehow lol
the last thing required before we can submit visa paperwork to Switzerland is me enrolling in French classes (I'm a proficient speaker but I don't even mind since I need to eventually get C2 certified). I have a proficiency assessment call in an hour. Can we get an "allez-y Nate" going in chat
the last thing required before we can submit visa paperwork to Switzerland is me enrolling in French classes (I'm a proficient speaker but I don't even mind since I need to eventually get C2 certified). I have a proficiency assessment call in an hour. Can we get an "allez-y Nate" going in chat
always funny to read Quincy Jones being judgy about musicians and saying stuff like "Prince wasn't a spectacular pianist. Nothing innovative when you compare him to Herbie Hancock." and it's like yeah man I think most pianists living or dead pale in comparison if that's your reference point lol
Every morning when I take my daughter to nursery there's an obviously unwell guy sitting on his doorstep drinking and singing in a voice I couldn't really place until just now: he sounds like the heroin clown from the video for "Salvation" by the Cranberries. Only '90s kids will remember etc etc
it's another day on grad school party dot com and I'm checking my mentions. wow! they're annoying again
when the train to Peckham Rye is faster than any of the night buses and you remember there's a McDonald's on the way home
Reposted byAvatar Nate Bethea
In which the BBC's Laura Kuensberg reports, 10 years after it's relevant, that the Starmerites have been planning an authoritarian purge the whole time.
Reposted byAvatar Nate Bethea
2:12 am... going back for more olive
Reposted byAvatar Nate Bethea
Avatar who says AI isn't useful, we finally know what Jody looks like
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Reposted byAvatar Nate Bethea
If anyone is in the mood to help me out significantly and is able to share this please do
Morning beautiful people, it's me your resident pauper asking for any help or to share my fundraiser to help me pay down my credit when I lose my home and have to pay court fand moving fees Thank you so so much for the help so far it has helped me so much feeling less terrified
Help towards lessening debt of soon to be homeless woman, organized by Emily Hello, I am Millie For those of you who do or don't know me I am… Emily S needs your support for Help towards lessening debt of soon to be homeless woman