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You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, but you CAN make it swim, but you CAN'T make it backstroke. Life is funny like that.
Reposted byAvatar Eric
Playing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door with Anton Chekov and he keeps asking "when the execution scene is" and "who is hanged" because of the gallows in Rogueport. I don't want spoilers and he won't look it up because he's afraid of the Internet
Share your kiddie nightmare fuel
Share your kiddie nightmare fuel
Reposted byAvatar Eric
“Girl math!” I yell, dividing you in two with a sword
The TV show Bosch is a wonderful showcase of cool doors in the LA area
I gotta hand it to cybertruck, they really did reinvent the car. How else would you be learning the lessons of like 120 years ago such as "don't make the doors very sharp" and "don't use material that rusts easily" "make sure the panels fit"
Cybertruck owner posts in Cybertruck forum that his leg received a deep gash from the door when exiting his truck, with photo of bloodied leg which required stitches, nevertheless concluding “I still love the truck!”
Potential injury warning: Leg cut by door corner (warning: Be careful when closing your cybertruck door! I parked on an incline, exited the truck and as I was closing the door I manage to clip the very corner of the door against my leg. When I got home...
Reposted byAvatar Eric
i’m just a girl, standing in front of bluesky, asking you to read this interview i did because it’s really important and also to subscribe to my newsletter so i can afford to keep doing stuff like this
“Panicking” and “screams”: A Palestinian-American NYU professor describes cops' student protest Born and raised in Israel, human rights lawyer Jamil Dakwar brings a distinct perspective to the protest movement.
Reposted byAvatar Eric
We have used All the jokes That were possible In this format And probably ruined the enjoyment Of a good poem Forgive us We were bored And wanted Attention
ok we’ve really squeezed all the life out of ozymandias and the plums and the second coming. it’s time for something new: may i suggest the 13th century middle english rota “sumer is icumen in”
I've been transcribing old letters on the Library of Congress' website, and MAN did people in the 1880s have bad handwriting
The phrase "nice healthy looking gun" is patting my brain like a cat
Olive Oyl--especially in the original E.C. Segar days--was a madwoman. She got a fucking BODY COUNT
This is what I tell myself every time I wrap top ramen in a towel and sit on it so it becomes a ramen nugget.
People treat home cooking as being more sacred than it is. There’s definitely really impressive things you can do but even if you’re just making hamburger helper shit, good for you man, you made food for yourself, toss some shredded cheese in that, box didn’t even tell you to, you’re doing great
Reposted byAvatar Eric
In France a sting operation is called a gendarme reveal party.
Been stubbing my toes an insane amount since installing the kitchen archipelago
No man is a kitchen island
I would. It might suddenly become a waterslide, but waterslides are fun
would you swim in this pool
As a Los Angeles dipshit, I demand to know why I was not interviewed
Gwan-hee sucks I hope he gets dunked on every single day
Whenever I eat s'mores, I picture Sylvester Graham watching from the afterlife going "No! No!!"
The thing about the past is when people used to demand you didn’t have sex you’d at least get them to invent a new kind of cracker that stops you from being horny
Why do I see people comment "overheard" on here all the time? You didn't overhear it, you read it, idiot.
Had a dream that JFK murdered Lee Harvey Oswald, so there were all these conspiracy theories about why the President went absolutely nuts on a random guy in Texas.
Repost with a pic you have saved that you haven’t found a use for.
I called my brother my own name last week.
THEM: If it was important, you'd remember ME: [has ADHD] I frequently forget that close friends of mine exist
Scavenger's Reign is a good show because it answers the important question "what if Professor Frank from China, Illinois went to space?"
Going to touch all this grass so I can finally be normal.
Reskeeting because the comic is very good
Hey look... the most recent page of Goblins, is fully coloured and shaded. Feel free to re... um... this? Re-blue? I dunno. Re-make it be seen by potential new readers.