
In the US you can call your local poison center at 800-222-1222 for all sorts of questions -- medication administration, side effects, extra doses. We're not just here for snake bites, mushrooms and mercury, we're trained nurses and pharmacists with broad expertise in toxicology and pharmacology!
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Could we please get a "guaranteed no AI" given some recent, erm, incidents?
The tool does not use any generative AI, it follows algorithms developed for each substance (or class of substances) by poison specialists and medical toxicologists. There is an option to test the tool if you visit the link and you can see for yourself!
The one time I needed poison control the woman who helped was not only sweet and caring, but called BACK to see if we were okay/needed the local ERs. She then said she was thinking about who we could call to report the (non-accidental) incident to help others impacted! Call them if you need it!!!!!
When my wife (accidentally!) swallowed an entire month's supply of one med instead of the adjacent bottle containing her various morning pills, poison control not only called us back to make sure we were going to the ER, she called ahead to the ER to reserve us a spot, so to speak
(PROTIP: Be very careful knocking back that bottle full of your morning pills if you aren't fully awake yet) (Also: Don't keep the morning pills bottle next to other, similar, pill bottles)
Also, don’t keep morning pills in a bottle at all! Something non-bottle-adjacent!
Poison control was helpful when I took a pain med differently than intended and it was too late in the evening to call a pharmacist!
Apparently my mother had to call poison control so many times over things my twin got into that when she called they were like "Lorraine!!!! Hi!! What did Amy get into this time?"
I should add in mom's defense that my twin figured out how to stack boxes to climb counters by the time we were nine months old so our mom was in what you might call a constant arms race
Yup. Before getting a pill sorter, I ended up taking a double of one of my meds and called to find out what I should do. Super helpful and kind. Looked it up without issue and assured me I'd be fine. I have a pill sorter now. 😅
I had to call poison control when I accidentally took a double dose of a medication and the person I spoke to was SO NICE and so reassuring. I’m very pro-poison control.
You all really helped me after I trusted a friend that baking soda was an effective home remedy for heartburn and then spent the rest of the day vomiting and not being able to stop peeing so I love poison control.
I love our local poison center! I'm a pharmacist, and I'd like to think I know toxicology... But with my kids I don't trust myself. So whether it's my daughter chewing 1x chlorpheniramine tablet or accidentally mixing up polytrim eye drops and vitamin D drops, you guys are great!
i have a friend who has called soooo many times and he speaks v highly of the service! thank you!
I ate an entire blueberry pie as a stoned teenager and the discomfort was so much I drank ipecac and it didn’t work in the suggested time frame and the nice lady on the poison phone line assured me I’d vomit❤️
This is so good to know! It’s going to help a lot of people! Thanks for sharing this information 🤗👍
Poison Control has helped on several occasions with a very curious kid!
Wow! I did not know this at all. Thank you! Will be keeping this in the back of my mind.
I totally did not know that, very cool!
Can you recommend some safe and fun side effects? 😉
Omg I went to save the number in my phone- ALREADY HAVE IT! Plus the animal poison control number too! Damn I’m good
It costs money tho (at least I’ve heard..)
I think the fee is nominal but yea the pet one isn’t free
It isn't nominal. It was over $100 for us int he last couple years. May vary based on local area but it was NOT cheap. Basically they wouldn't give you any information unless you paid. :\
And if the information is, "yeah you don't really need to worry about it based on the amount he ate," you're still out the fee.
100% they literally wouldn't even tell us "take them to the vet" or "no you are fine" until we paid. And the local vet's WILL NOT answer the questions poison control can answer bc liability so you are just trapped.
It was $60!!! In 2011! (20-lb Dogger pulled the 80% cocoa chocolate bar down from the table. He was fine.)
Oof that’s definitely worth it for many, but also prohibitive for many.
Oh yeah that’s more than I thought
I got quoted $100 last year. (Puppy ate a terro bait, was fine)
Oh no! Glad to hear he’s fine! We had to put one near 💗Muffin’s food bc Florida but she dgaf and can’t actually get to it