Brews by Minotaur

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Brews by Minotaur

Whatcom's best kept secret market farmer and recovering brewer
Post Punk Evangelists. We really do do it differently on the best coast.
they are no Tom Tom Club, that's for sure...
which is like 3x as many times as he showed up when I went to see him...
He doesn’t give one shit. Like someone who broke in to your house trashing the place looking for hidden cash or jewelry. That’s what he wants to do to America. Loot it and smash what’s left looking for more.
He does. Source: me, who is also high as fucking balls
Wasn't George Clooney just auditioning for the gig in the NYT?
I think a combination of 3 and 5 are leading to 4 which is where the panic is coming from.
I suspect the money is driving this. It's not polling or vibes that is leading to "we're gonna lose down ballot" but "donors mad at Joe are withholding and without that money we're gonna lose down ballot".
Now, why those donors are withholding might be polls or vibes, but the "down ballot wipe out" seems really far fetched from where we sit today
lol. this is just some donor's fanfic. still, even though this is clearly fantasy bullshit, it should remind people that there is no guarantee opening up the 'not Joe Biden' box will go the way they think
This is the exact reason I was leery of opening the "step aside" box.
sounds like you've been OWNED lib! /s
and we probably need both, esp Shapiro, to forestall any chicanery in their state
This is what is largely driving my "keep Biden" stance. The unknowns of it if he's forced to step down seem risky, and to date, proponents of 'dump' haven't really spelled out how they plan to address that.
I'd love for any of these "Biden should step down" people to add "and let Harris run at the top of the ticket", but we aren't really getting that, specifically. I mean, I don't want my family deported, so I'll vote for whoever, I'd just like that candidate to carry on with the policies I like.
Agreed on that. I guess it's easier to say "I like Biden/Harris and I'd like one of them to be the nominee" but I'm nervous we'll get neither if we allow a change to the ticket.
I'm not saying "It's all Joe!" in any way. I just don't see the part of the party driving the 'dump Biden' campaign moving forward with the stuff I like if they win. There is a reason progressives and the CBC are backing Biden. They clearly believe they need him to support/champion their agenda.
Same. I'm worried though that the last part is going to move this from "Replace Biden with Harris" to "Replace Biden with TBD".
I like a lot of Biden's policies (anti-trust, labor rights, pharma regs, loan forgiveness) and I'd like them to continue, which is probably only going to happen if he's the nominee. The stuff I don't like (cop funding, Israel) is going to happen no matter who the nominee is.
Even further: SCOTUS will make sure states are powerless to do anything either. Federalism is only allowed when it's a Democrat government.
Goes hand in hand with the court's take on federalism in the likely event some states sue to stop deportations.
...and that it was explicit the replacement was Harris. It's been hinted at, but none of these public (or the leaked private) statements have been "replace Biden with Harris", just "drop Biden".
"It's simple, we replace Biden with Harris!" That is in no way what the rich people who are driving this movement are demanding, and I hope you all realize that. They will make mouth sounds akin to "sure, sure, Harris makes sense" and then when the chips are down, they'll nominate Dean Phillips.
Doo bee doo bee doo like two shits in the night…
anyway if they think biden's dead wood that needs to go, they can say so in public, but if we're clearing the dead wood, then we're gonna start clearing all of it, not just the tallest tree
it's like..."I want to rain", but it just won't.
...and if they give in to the donors, why wouldn't Kamala be next?
they clearly think this is over
I don't think deporting them all is the actual goal. It's about fear and intimidation, especially for anyone who remains. They don''t put workers on a bus out of the US; they want workers who will allow themselves to be exploited to stay off the bus.