Jake Cole

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Jake Cole


Freelance critic and terminally online figure.
It’s very funny that Braveheart, for all its complete ahistoricism for the sake of making the English look worse, actually kind of softens what a complete shitshow of a human Edward II was.
This is maybe the biggest reputation boost movie critics have gotten in ages that we all clowned this shit into the void while credulous legacy media book critics and pundits treated the original book like the Rosetta Stone for understanding Diner-Americans.
God this shit grinds my fucking gears. You golf with Peter Thiel, JD Vance, and I grew up in a fucking trailer park. Suck my dick, you fucking worm.
Please please please PLEASE show people the Hillbilly Elegy movie in which he just openly hates his family for not knowing how to code.
Uh… what “The campaign says his bio appeals not just to working-class people but also to suburban women — voters Trump is working hard to attract. "All you have to do is show people the movie," says one Vance adviser, referring to the Netflix adaptation…” www.axios.com/2024/07/16/t...
Behind the Curtain: Why J.D.www.axios.com Trump loved the veepstakes drama, and milked it until hours before the Republican convention opened.
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JD Vance has a loser stink energy completely invisible to reporters but obvious to any actual human being. his body naturally generates a repugnant chemical compound known as paulryanide
Tbh this is another reason Dems desperately need younger faces. You could win a number of politically disengaged Americans just by hammering home “the other side wants to make your internet even worse”
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
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That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
This is the week of me writing things down on paper and then burning them rather than posting them public.
RIP Shelley Duvall, so phenomenal in Altman films and The Shining, so mesmerizing, also the costar of the first thing I saw her in, the baffling sci-fi Hulk Hogan star vehicle Suburban Commando.
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Doing a read through of Moby Dick to prep a book club for it and get an idea of good places to divide it up, make some prelim notes, etc, and within the first page I was already just fully back in it having so much fun. Herman is absolutely freaking it from the jump.
I agree with this thesis about appealing to a lifelong narcissist but the obvious argument here is that George Washington exists as a mythological hero for voluntarily giving up power and Joe would be remembered far more fondly for doing it than passing a decent infrastructure bill.
If you accept the narrative that Joe must step down, which I do, then what we are hinging our hopes on grace: that a selfish old white man, who finally has something he's been trying to get for 50 years, to step so entirely out of his own ego & privilege that it would be a kind of death.
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the average guy charlie kirk hires to get out the vote and knock doors to convince independent voters will be *worse* than this dude btw
median second term Trump staffer
Toho putting out a big splashy announcement that they are bringing a 4K of Godzilla Minus One to Americans and it’s just their existing multi-disc set with English subs added to the movie but an entire disc of extras remaining unsubbed, Japan stays winning.
A lot of the frenzied back and forth over whether Biden should/wont drop out might have been mitigated if the Democrats had a united policy platform they could run on as something to push regardless of who sits in the big chair but that would require them to think of politics as politics.
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Surprise! We opened up old tape boxes for a new version of Galaxie 500 outtakes/b-sides collection, Uncollected, and added 8 unheard tracks. Two go live digitally today, with preorders - the whole beautiful package is out from Silver Current on Sept 20 galaxie500.bandcamp.com/album/uncoll...
Uncollected Noise New York ’88-’90, by Galaxie 500galaxie500.bandcamp.com 24 track album
I’m so glad Barry Jenkins’ The Underground Railroad got physical media release that frees it from the dismal state of Amazon streaming compression. I stalled out on the series bc some of it looked so bad streaming and now that I’ve been able to see all of it yeah it’s major, major work.
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I have too many digital acquaintances on Twitter who will effectively evaporate when that site is finally shut down to want to quit it but the extent to which Elon has finally warped and molded that place to suit his preferences has just maximized how miserable it is to be on for > 30 seconds
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Millennials love two things, The Sopranos and being shocked at the idea that a bad or abusive person could exploit the language of therapy
There’s no point in pretending “Biden is too old and visibly declining” is a media concoction and not the dominant opinion of Dems literally all year BUT the nature of the media’s current fit isn’t concern but narcissistic pique that they covered for him and he “repaid” them with that debate.
Very funny that the Times was so certain about the panic they were causing that they set up a little live update election-season scoreboard for it
Finally wrapping this up and while some stretches had a lot going for it (esp the great Wein/Aparo run) this will prob be the first omni I sell. They just had no idea what to do with this character in its early forms and he mostly only clicks popping up in other books
I swear the first time I had to turn off Instagram’s politics filters it gave me overwhelmingly more posts about Gaza and then when they reset it and I turned it off again now I am being utterly drowned in right wing pig slop ranging from pure fascism all the way down to Star Wars “DEI” whining
Well folks the polls have closed early and we have the results for best film of 2024 and it’s…Nancy Savoca’s quietly devastating 1991 romance Dogfight?!
Turns out Havana Syndrome actually does exist but only if you’re within earshot of the Monopoly Money Server Farm
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"All told, the Democratic party is best understood less as a political party organized to enact or protect specific policies than as a professional association committed to protecting its most valued members." www.theguardian.com/commentisfre...
Democrats don’t just need a new candidate. They need a reckoning | Osita Nwanevuwww.theguardian.com Democrats will be impotent messengers on democracy as long as they remain beholden to the feudal culture this crisis has exposed
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This is like gazing into an alternate universe where Rowdy Roddy Piper never went into wrestling and instead became Saskatchewan’s 4th rated Winnebago salesman
We were looking up who’s involved in the environmental aspects of Project 2025 and it turns out it’s perennial environmental villain and coal criminal William Perry Pendley, easily the most Deadwood-coded Trump administration official
The Nixon cameo was such a jump scare for me working through the original FF run
Heading for donuts and then a 10:00 am tour of the White House. Some Chief Executives in comics through the years.
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Remember how the "retail theft crime wave" disappeared as soon as companies had to do their annual reports? That's because it's illegal to lie to shareholders. AI is booming (if you're a pleb) but if you have money - Goldman Sachs will be honest with you instead web.archive.org/web/20240629...
The best new to me movies I watched in June were Buster Keaton shorts. The worst new to me movies I watched in June were Fatty Arbuckle shorts.