
Everything's complicated and my hesitation about replacing Biden up to now has been informed by polls showing other candidates not doing much better. But a lot of people seem remarkably certain that Harris specifically could not win a general election for reasons I think they should say out loud.
There's a very specific personal vulnerability there that I'm surprised hasn't come up much on the right, but my sense is that doubt here is more about, uh, demographic concerns that haven't really been fleshed out or justified explicitly. Could be wrong.
This is very valid and true, but if the choice is between her a guy who cannot reliably complete sentences without a teleprompter...I dunno, man.
To be fair, the last time she was in a national election, everyone thought she would be a formidable candidate but she did terribly, and was widely considered a surprisingly poor campaigner. So there is a data point.
Anyway, if Biden stays in, which seems likely, I don't think telling people "no, he's fine, actually" for the next several months is tenable. I don't know what you say instead. But openly lying to voters over and over again about something they know to be untrue probably hurts Dems long-term. So.
This is what the numbers have looked like for ages. Again, not especially promising for anyone. The question is whether anyone else would be more likely to gain ground between now and November.
Laying my cards on the table: I think a black woman can definitely win and also that Harris is weak. She's tied to the Biden record and a mediocre campaigner; the Willie Brown thing is genuinely messy. Zero chance GOP opps don't know about it; the fact they haven't used it yet does scare me a bit.
If Trump is as dire a threat as they say he is (and I agree), then all options have to be on the table. The party HAS to stop clinging to norms in a state of emergency. It’s not ideal, but I think a negotiated ticket with leadership from various factions, would lead to the best result.
The negotiated ticket? First, elite cues: let Bernie, AOC, Pritzker, Cooper, and Newsom go to their wings of the party and make the case for a choice they were included on. Second, emphasize the state of emergency. It’s too late in the battle to be bound by decisions made in 2020, let alone 1968.
I understand that this is how you're imagining it would work, but what evidence is there that it would lead to the best result?
It works in many countries and worked until 1968. Notice how the quality of Democratic President has dropped off significantly in the primary era. It is a gamble, but it less of a gamble than rolling the dice with a candidate who feels like he’s dying, or a VP that has not meaningfully been chosen
Well I gave it a shot. Have fun losing the election or the subsequent coup that Biden won’t stop. Gonna start putting my energy toward surviving a second Trump term.