Erin Siobhan

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Erin Siobhan

Law. Food. Wine. Dogs. Philly. Will be making a valiant effort to keep all content restricted to the Philadelphia Phillies and jokes that I could never explain to a single member of my family.
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I have been pessimistic, on a practical level, about Biden's ability to move the horse race past this narrative but come ON
Reposted byAvatar Erin Siobhan
the fact that the same people pushing Biden to drop out immediately are also proposing shit that wouldn't fly on The West Wing makes me think we need a complete and total shutdown of the nation's op-ed pages until we can figure out what's going on
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
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don i have basically been unable to function since the decision came down
Phillies fans are mostly lovely people, so how on earth did I get season seats completely surrounded by the most hostile weirdos anyone has ever met?
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Reposted byAvatar Erin Siobhan
ahead of the times and misunderstood as usual
I think the last good tech story was the people of Philadelphia murdering Hitchbot and leaving his body as a warning for other robots
That thing was one single load of laundry.
I’m pretty sure I’ve hit the age where I can basically do one thing a day and then need to spend the rest of the day just chilling, and honestly I’m not mad about it
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Baseball is the ultimate sport! It combines feats of incredible speed, strength, skill, and mental fortitude in a game that most closely mirrors the endless boring tedium and constant small deaths of normal life
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reminded every time i visit of what a great city philadelphia is
He is just trying to enjoy what I'm pretty certain he believes is a fun game of quidditch. Let him live.
The way this ESPN announcer keeps pronouncing Castellanos is making me want to crawl out of my skin. Please stop disrespecting my beautiful, stupid boyfriend like this.
The way this ESPN announcer keeps pronouncing Castellanos is making me want to crawl out of my skin. Please stop disrespecting my beautiful, stupid boyfriend like this.
Woman at the bar attempts to strike up a conversation with some guys by talking about simulation theory when her exasperated friend leans in, sighs and says "Jessica, you just didn't do well in school."
As I was saying...
I don't think it's meant to make sense. The Alitos (like Thomas) know they don't have to craft plausible stories for their corruption because no one can do anything to them. The obviousness of the lie is an intentional "fuck you" to anyone who would challenge their authority.
Trying really hard not to be jealous of a bunch of five year olds after learning that Jason Kelce stopped by my little cousins' lemonade stand.
I knew he was gonna do that
Can't tell if it was the few hours of sunlight after many weekends of rain and cold that instantly reversed my dismal mood and entire outlook on life in general, or if it was just a great new hat. Probably just the hat...
That definitely wasn't us hysterically screaming "MOMMY! MOMMY!" when the Philly Phanatic's mom walked by. Nope. No way. We are normal.
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One time I was there they were selling shots of NyQuil. A prostitute tried to kidnap my friend's chihuahua by stuffing it in her titties. If you got too far gone, the bartenders would straight up steal all your shit. Legendary.
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RIP to the worst and best ever.
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Hi mom. Yeah my Bluesky mutual bought the onion! What. No im not married yet
Reposted byAvatar Erin Siobhan
The Justices at this OA, basically
Look, maybe this whole week was just a scam by Bryce to get all our superstitious asses to stop complaining about the loss of dollar dog night. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I for one support the baseball see thru pants
I am a firm believer in the rule that time doesn't exist in airports and I definitely had a mimosa, but the guy that just ordered an IPA at 6:15 in the morning is clearly just operating on an entirely different plane of existence from the rest of us.
Reposted byAvatar Erin Siobhan
Lots of Overnight Constitutional Law Experts on here suddenly confident in their ability to second-guess the Supreme Court and adjudicate the actually quite subtle and contested question of [checks notes] Whether Texas can have its own Foreign Policy uh wait a sec what the fuck
Havana few too many beers Syndrome
Remember the panic about "Havana Syndrome"? Diplomats and "diplomats" (spies) in Cuba developed dizziness, headaches, fatigue, etc. and the Trump State Department blamed supersecret sonic weapons. The latest & largest study shows it most likely wasn't any kind of attack. by
People with ‘Havana Syndrome’ Show No Brain Damage or Medical The largest and most comprehensive studies of ‘Havana Syndrome’ point to stress or group psychology as likely explanations for most “anomalous health incidents”
Reposted byAvatar Erin Siobhan
this doesn't necessarily disprove the "she's dead" theory
Total nepo hire for the highly coveted Katie Britt in the SNL cold open position, but sometimes that works out.
Sounds like an infomercial for a charity desperately trying to hide the fact that it's run by a cult.