
This was the headline at NBC News: "Fewer grievances, more policy: Trump aides and allies push for a post-South Carolina 'pivot.'" By Matt Dixon, Kristen Welker, Jonathan Allen, Vaughn Hillyard, Garrett Haake and Carol E. Lee. I have comments. [Thread: 1 of 10]
Fewer grievances, more policy: Trump aides and allies push for a post-South Carolina 'pivot' In his victory speech Saturday night, Trump notably did not mention Nikki Haley, instead talking about GOP unity and focusing on the general election.
As your public editor for today, I have a few questions. You're all experienced professionals so I assume you have good reasons for every call that was made here. I just want know what those reasons are. Ready? 2/
* Why did it take six people to make this? * Trump’s staff want him to pivot to the general election and rely less on personal grievances. Is there any reason to think that he is capable of — or perhaps newly interested in — a reduction in personal invective? Has he changed? 3/
* If our answer is YES, Trump has changed and he no longer thinks that grievance politics can get him there, then where in our report do we show that? * If our answer is NO, he's the same guy, then why are six NBC journalists helping to broadcast the pained wishes of his staff and supporters? 4/
* Advisers will often try to send a message to the candidate through the media, but is that something we should be involved in? * And even if this is a good use of our platform, why do we grant them anonymity— as if they have some huge scoop for us, and face danger if found out? 5/
* Why is “more policy” the big headline here when by my count that word — policy — comes up exactly once in the reported piece, and it’s a voter talking. * Again I ask: any evidence that Trump is interested in — and capable of — a shift to “policy” as the centerpiece of his campaign? 6/
* In the modern era, or in the memory of anyone at NBC News, has there ever been a president less likely — and less qualified — to make the pivot to “more policy” of which our own headline confidently speaks? This bothers me, as your public editor.
Wouldn’t it be great if pieces like this had a prominent watermark across them that said “beat sweetener” ? Hacks could maintain access, and readers would be informed as to the real reason for such swill.
You mean you forgot all of the other times that he was finally presidential? Oh… Wait.
Surprised Ali Vitali isn’t on that byline. She spent the better part of three years into Trump’s term reporting on an imminent “pivot.” It was embarrassing.
It's infrastructure week at the byline
It took 6 people to write that retread?
For the love of all that’s holy HE’S NEVER GOING TO PIVOT!
It’s hard to pivot when you’ve got a potbelly and you’re wearing a diaper.
Lololololololol have they MET Trump?
Wuuuuuutttt the fuuuuuucckk is this bollocks
I want to say something sarcastic and snarky about NBC News, but I find I’m tired. It’s hard enough to fight past the loons as is, let alone certain clueless media.
Oh, does this mean the Republican Party will have a platform this time other than "Do whatever Dear Leader says is best?" I guess "suppress or deport all the people we hate" is kind of a policy.
Policy? Like the health care plan of 2017? #FakeBoneSpurs couldn’t conjure up a plan for getting out of Vietnam by himself. #Democracy not #Dictators
It took six people to an article that is much too long to say almost nothing. The quotes you’re getting from Trump campaign people here could be flavor in someone else’s meal instead of trying to pass off an old potato in water as soup.