Jylle benson-gauss

Jylle benson-gauss


Grandma. Solo traveler. Deeply offended to be member of species homo sapiens sapiens. I mean, wtf?
Trip to michigan last week for mom's bucket list hot air balloon ride (she's 93). Weather prevented balloon ride so we went ship-spotting instead (saginaw river). Also some fab street art. Finished with french fries from Nikki's.
And no trip to MI is complete without a late afternoon visit to Shiawassee Flats national wildlife refuge.
Agree! South park is the fount of all wisdom and humor. I troll 2A extremists by accusing them of worshipping south park jesus.
Here's a fascinating podcast episode about the fuzzy diagnosis of 'dementia' as a catch-all for simple elder problems such as hearing loss or over/inappropriate medication. Very helpful.
I'll see your Dales and raise with ny Finger Lakes (this shows dragon's breath rising off seneca lake).
My first post on bluesky. I'm here for the great info from smart ppl and creative work that celebrates imagination and/or natural beauty. But first let me introduce my dog willie who keeps me walking and laughing.
My 90-year-old mom's bucket list included a family trip to grand canyon and to kiss a man with a mustache. That's how this happened.
End of feed.