Jylle benson-gauss

Jylle benson-gauss


Grandma. Solo traveler. Deeply offended to be member of species homo sapiens sapiens. I mean, wtf?
She's not a godsend; she's a succubus.
I forage, but it is the smell of the forest and changing wildflowers in bloom that makes my soul sing.
In the rainforests of Vancouver Island, something has shifted in my mind about birding by ear. The songs are not an indication of the thing I’m looking for. The songs are the thing. Bubbling water. A Pacific wren trilling out an elaborate melody. Swanson’s thrushes echoing above the ferns.
I'll slam the door on your fingers on the way out. Oops, it was an accident.
A friend of mine texts for democracy. The group sent over a million texts to voters in one evening last week.
The Constitutional Crisis is already here. You are living inside it. No way back, for better or worse. Either fight to win the future or concede to fascist tyranny taking over our country, the world's largest economy and mightiest military.
What worries me most right now are people like Ackman, Musk, etc. who switched from opposing Trump in 2020 (at least performatively) to openly supporting him now, after all of this. This is something more ominous than angry middle aged white guy syndrome. 1/2
Good morning to everyone except this asshole, who stepped on the ceiling fan remote control at 3:00 in the morning and turned on the overhead light.
Possibly the most news-worthy outcome of this year’s American Elasmobranch Society meeting.
My professional society faced terrible news this year, and we weren’t sure if we’d survive financially. I auctioned off the right to have other scientists pick their favorite shark species to be #BestShark for one year, and we raised $300. Your new #BestShark is the bonnethead shark.
I wrote a thing: "NY Times editor: ‘covering the next Trump presidency is going to be awesome’" — Donny’s gonna fuck shit up and Joe Kahn can't wait for it to happen thanks for reading, and please sign up for my daily newsletter so you never miss a post —
top NY Times editor: ‘covering the next Trump presidency is going to be awesome’bit.ly Donny’s gonna fuck shit up and Joe Kahn can't wait for it to happen
I'm so old I remember when the press went after Hillary for being "too prepared," Obama for being "too cool" and Al Gore for being "too smart"
“MAGA used this opportunity not to unite the nation or rally behind their nominee, but instead to call for bloody vengeance and retaliation against Democrats specifically.” open.substack.com/pub/dworkin/...
MAGA Violent Rhetoric Must End Right Nowopen.substack.com Immediately
We met Nobel Prize winner and the patron saint of time physics, Kip Thorne, last night and be officially blessed our #SDCC2024 panel on time travel. He signed two of his books for the comicon audience that we will be giving away at the end through trivia. Please spread the word.
Some of you fuckers really watched a genocide and decided to draw the political violence line at someone shooting at a fascist.
I can finally share a secret I've been sitting on for weeks I wrote an article for National Geographic! Feat. input from the great @jessnevins.bsky.social! It's about dragons! And you can read it now! I hope you will! I can't stop using exclamation marks! www.nationalgeographic.com/history/arti...
Here are 6 of the world’s coolest dragon mythswww.nationalgeographic.com Discover how ancient tales of serpents and monsters shaped the dragons we know today, from the Biblical red dragon to Japan’s ocean god Ryujin.
Then they came for the sarcastic people and I was like oh great that's exactly what we need right now well done to all concerned.
“Admiral Grace Hopper’s landmark lecture is found, but the NSA won’t release it: Intelligence agency claims it “no longer has the ability to view” 1982 recording” The FOIA response shenanigans described in the article are top tier🙄 www.muckrock.com/news/archive...
Admiral Grace Hopper’s landmark lecture is found, but the NSA won’t release itwww.muckrock.com In a vault at the National Security Agency lies a historical treasure: two AMPEX 1-inch open reel tapes containing a landmark lecture by Admiral Grace Hopper, a giant in the field of computer science....
The best way to lower the political temperature is to soundly defeat the party that contains people who refer to the other party as “inhuman” or say that they need to be killed or who suggests we should “second amendment” them.
Darn you, woke diversicrats! Always wanting to accredit colleges and other commie shit. This is from the section on eduction. It begins "Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated."
There's a noticeable lack of fact-checking in media right now. Nyt, wapo...tv news. Wtaf?
Clarence Thomas took $267,000 from a health insurance executive, then issued rulings that made health insurance companies more money, while harming millions of Americans. This is a bribe. This isn’t complicated. Expand the Supreme Court.
Clarence Thomas, a $267,000 RV, and Why American Health Care Suckswww.rollingstone.com Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas got an RV from a top health insurance executive. Then he protected the industry.
Classic abuser "See what you made me do?" rhetoric.
oh man I missed this fucking gem just casually platforms (unchallenged in headline and synopsis) the authoritarian lie that the people opposing authoritarianism are the ones responsible for violence