
i don’t think this and you shouldn’t make up lies about people
“it would be good if we could yell at scotus justices” ≠ we can fix scotus with the right words. even more bizarre about attributing this belief to me is i have been writing stuff like “here’s how to bring the supreme court to heel” for years
people are angry but not angry enough to briefly google somebody’s life work apparently
much easier to make up lies about a stranger
I know people make up a guy to get angry at all the time, but you seem to attract *way* more than your fair share of this.
It is very important to their purity that you, a person they will never meet, give up your position to their satisfaction. Strangely, this is not a very persuasive argument but everyone keeps making it nonetheless.
The shit you have to put up with here is insane, I appreciate you sticking through it
Yea but, this person can only read 300 characters at a time.
Looks to me like being bizarre & antisocial is the point here
one look at her feed told me all I need to know about what she thinks of this
thus why I blocked her, which I don't do just because I disagree with someone
I’ve developed a hair trigger for blocking anyone who just seems annoying. Makes this platform enjoyable.
the angry kitten gif clearly does not show the kitten looking to see what it is angry at, I’m sorry, there’s rules here
Weird. I read your post and think about how the justices won’t even appear before Congress to answer questions, and this Chud automatically assumes you’re talking about personally getting to dunk on them like it’s a roast.
One of the worst things about both social media and clickbait is that we've all just accepted this notion that you can absolutely destroy someone by saying something catty about them on the internet when, no, these are very powerful people who very emphatically do not givea fuck what you say.
Remember when they overturned Roe and people protested outside their homes so they complained to Congress and made it illegal to do that? Yeah, actually we should yell at the justices some more! It really seems to get under their skin and I do think Alito should be miserable for the rest of his life
Bad faith takes for the bad faith takes god, skulls for the skull throne, etc.
What's the German word for using a high-clout account as a footstool to try and score cheap points?
It is unreal that explainers like this have to be written.
Trump rigged Scotus, with three despicable characters, to protect himself and promote the values of his anti-abortion/ironically-religious base. And that's what they did. So who's surprised?
If the court had to answer questions directly from a critical press, their fig leaf written opinions would not stretch far enough and they'd be delegitimized in view of the general public. If they want to be political actors - and it appears they do - let them hold up that end of the bargain.
Only a moron would think the powerful should experience consequences for their actions.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like lately there's been a sharp increase in people doing the pancakes/waffles tweet.
The people whose entire political and civic duty begins and ends with "start fights" are always the flies flocking to a shitty day.
If enough people congregated and mic dropped these jackass ivory tower bribe taking machines than yeah actually, it would make a difference
You have the patience of a saint. Thanks for continuing to offer your insights. I really learn a lot from your analysis
Thank you for adding to my block list. I'm sorry you have to put up with these freaks.
I got at least five going down the replies. A trove!
"So you're saying you hate waffles?"
Just another doomsayer to add to the mute log.
It makes perfect sense that the lack of justice any of the thousands of perpetrators of the destruction of the country over the past three generations will face is anger inducing!
His post is in very poor taste and you make a great point that scotus is obviously not impartial at all and not ruling according to law so they might as well just be a 3rd branch of congress or something. In fact let’s just expand the court every cycle and whoever wins gets scotus power for a bit.
Tbh, not at all diminishing the profound stink around Thomas, but I don't think Sotomayor would entertain detailed inquiries about her book deals. But then again, she doesn't have to. The ability to flout the law assures corruption.
But they're a bit *ditzy sorry dizzy* don't you see...
Ridiculous How perfect it was that a shoe came that close to hitting Bush Jr in the snooter but didn't Just random thoughts
That got weird. Has no one seen a presser? Ask Prime Minister? Ask someone to justify a decision with the possibility for refutation or clarification?
Not to be "that person," but this is the kind of exchange I tend not to see on Mastodon. I know they happen there, probably, but I wonder if these kinds of pile-ons happen, and/or are given visibility, ultimately because of an algorithm that's trying to create engagement?