J Cooper πŸŒπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ§ΆπŸš²πŸ πŸ„

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J Cooper πŸŒπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ§ΆπŸš²πŸ πŸ„


Materials and Transitions Engineer and Zoologist. Lifelong Greenie, climate change activist and enthusiastic wingfoiler. She/her. Tangata tiriti.
Sharon Murdoch for Marama Davidson and others with a cancer diagnosis From the Emily Dickinson poem Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all, 1/2 #nzpol
One feather from an extinct bird sells for $46,000. Shame we don’t value the birds and their habitat so highly BEFORE they go extinct. My Sunday Star Times #cartoon today #nzpol #FastTrack
I really enjoy the science and climate community here and I would love for it to grow. If you’re still on X, why not use it to invite people to come over here? I do, every week! RT if you agree 😁
β€œCoalition's talk of fiscal mess, its funding freezes & state sector job cuts have reversed an initial revival in business and consumer confidence, extending & deepening 2023's recession into 2024” Luxon & co, quelle surprise, not so great at economic management after all. #NZpol
Coalition's dirge of austerity and uncertainty is driving the economy into a deeper recessionthekaka.substack.com Coalition's talk of fiscal mess, its funding freezes & state sector job cuts have reversed an initial revival in business and consumer confidence, extending & deepening 2023's recession into 2024
A day after Stuff had to publish a note of a media council decision against it in relation to a Damien Grant column containing "significant factual inaccuracy" on the Israeli occupation of the West Bank they publish his views on trans healthcare. Presume the same attention to facts on this topic.
Know nothing about a subject but willing to write about it, that’s Damien Grant on gender affirming healthcare. It’s disappointing that Stuff sees misinfo as just an opinion when in reality Stuff are contributing to making the world unsafe for trans youth. #kikorangi
Know nothing about a subject but willing to write about it, that’s Damien Grant on gender affirming healthcare. It’s disappointing that Stuff sees misinfo as just an opinion when in reality Stuff are contributing to making the world unsafe for trans youth. #kikorangi
My cartoon in today's: www.thepost.co.nz/nz-news/3502... The fast track bill... Here in Aotearoa New Zealand the collation government are hellbent on destroying the environment for big business. #FastTrackBill #NzPol #EditorialCartoon
That this could just happen, that three unprincipled dudes can just decide seabed mining and god knows what else is fine and they don't have to care what other law says or we think, makes me sick. Secrecy shrouds 'fast track' projects as submissions close www.rnz.co.nz/news/in-dept...
Secrecy shrouds 'fast track' projects as submissions closewww.rnz.co.nz Not even the MPs supposed to be scrutinising the Fast Track Bill are allowed to know which projects could bypass rules.
BREAKING New data from cameras on boats reveals massive under-reporting of dolphin and seabird killing by the fishing industry: www.thepost.co.nz/politics/350... They cannot be trusted. We now need cameras on ALL their boats and the data managed independently. #nzpol #NZOverFishing
OMG this is so good!
The adventures of the Unscrupulous Seymour! The greatest distraction in politics!
Incredible post from the best writer on Boeing that we've got. The level of willful negligence from executives on something that carries human beings through the sky is astonishing and should be a crime. Sorry I forgot to make a joke. prospect.org/infrastructu...
Suicide Missionprospect.org What Boeing did to all the guys who remember how to build a plane
#NZpol Science / Keremadecs reserve Fisheries Minister Shane Jones: "We're not going to have the Kermadecs commandeered by a whole lot of test tube-watching white coat scientists" Nasty play on a stereotype common in posed stock library photographs. Often with fake brightly-coloured liquids, etc 😞
The first piece of journalism I’ve seen on this (that has given the academic accused of being a liar the right of reply). Nice work, more like this please etc. [Note: kinda hilarious that this one is labelled β€˜opinion’ when the various places that printed Coutt’s reckons verbatim were… not]
Sir Russell takes a rough ride on an ocean of obstaclesnewsroom.co.nz Opinion: The SailGP boss is dogged by extremes and red tape but overlooks how caring for dolphins aligns with his event’s brand, writes David Williams
This is really good on climate communication. What I'd add is that we need to take care with what we call "doomism". There's a danger that anyone who isn't relentlessly positive about the future gets shut down for being a doomer. That won't help either.
How to talk about climate change and the problem with doomerismwww.resilience.org Should we be yelling that the sky is falling at every chance? Or might that paralyze us into inaction, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy?
reskeet if the existence of trans people makes you smile
National are right. There is too much wasteful government spending and people abusing benefits. Now, let me take a big sip of coffee and look at the news. #nzpol www.rnz.co.nz/news/politic...
Christopher Luxon claims $52k accommodation payment to live in own apartmentwww.rnz.co.nz The prime minister is the first in at least 34 years to claim the payment.
Shane Jones said he was "horrified" by recent court rulings and accused the nation's top judges of having "flexed their muscles" in the Mike Smith case. When Stuart Nash criticised court rulings, Christopher Luxon called for him to be sacked from Cabinet. newsroom.co.nz/2024/02/19/s...
Shane Jones criticised over attack on Supreme Court rulingnewsroom.co.nz Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, who called for Labour's Stuart Nash to be sacked when he criticised court rulings, didn't respond to a request for comment.
If that speech really pissed you off and you'd like to read and support regular critique of such things, please consider a sub to this plucky little newsletter subslack.substack.com/p/believe-in...
Repost if you support trans people and think we're neato