jcornelius.bsky.social follows

Hamilton Nolan
Hamilton Nolan
Read me: HamiltonNolan.com
My book: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/hamilton-nolan/the-hammer/9780306830921/
federal grand juri
federal grand juri
Formerly jurijuri. Nerd, knitter, artist, eDiscovery paralegal, ADHD gremlin, convention wrangler, chaos enthusiast, living the chronic illness dream. Chicago-ish.
Barred and Boujee aka Madiba Dennie
Barred and Boujee aka Madiba Dennie
Words at ballsandstrikes.org, and even more words in The Originalism Trap: How Extremists Stole the Constitution and How We the People Can Take It Back
Out now at tinyurl.com/originalismtrap !
Michael Gebetsroither
Michael Gebetsroither
#IT #infosec #cleanAir #NoCovid #MaskUp #NAFO #teamscience

DMs: https://signal.me/#eu/3ZMCLGdIStfQxsu5YmVA2SWMTS2vz4/fcxb7ASrHYYoLkEWkcOJGs5NRPch8Rrtq
age: age1lmzvlx9rpqnwfejrfvv9x79p70j8a97mpvl2nxpx4fy27202tquqjhqd8j
Company: https://mgit.at
Rosemary Allison
Rosemary Allison
Painter, writer, beekeeper, horses, dogs, cats, environment, urban farming. Depending on language: she her they them it #FBPE
Lieke Voorintholt
Lieke Voorintholt
PhD Candidate in Economics @ University of Groningen | Researching charitable giving & attitudes to climate change
Josh Block
Josh Block
Attorney @ACLULGBT. He/him. Views expressed here are my own.
Wicked Hoodie
Wicked Hoodie
over caffeinated
disco super-fly

confusing manifesto ⬇️
Eelco van der Maat
Eelco van der Maat
Tenured scholar of genocide, authoritarian politics, and elite rivalry at Leiden University. Argues that mass killing is driven by elite rivalry in authoritarian regimes. Dad to two terrible little dictators. Husband and co-conspirator.
bryan newbold
bryan newbold
dweb, cycling, snow, big cities, wiki. I like speculating about found objects.
protocol engineer @bsky.app. formerly archive.org
elsewhere: bnewbold.net / @[email protected]
David Buchanan
David Buchanan
Reverse Engineering, cryptography, exploits, hardware, file formats, and generally giving computers a hard time. Occasional CTF player.

Fediverse: @[email protected]
Twitter: @David3141593
Web: https://www.da.vidbuchanan.co.uk/
Things are terrible

(we follow our contributors)
Radical Graffiti
Radical Graffiti
Just sharing pics of anti-capitalist, anti-authoritarian and anti-colonial graffiti, stickers and street art seen around the world.

Coronavirus and other health-related updates. Regular updates on Outbreaks, Pathogens For more updates follow us.

Fubuki Kuwata💚⚓



Liz Schiller #DefundthePolice
Liz Schiller #DefundthePolice
Feminist/white/Jewish/parent/writer. Solidarity is action (Mia McKenzie). Courage then action then hope. Interested in trauma. I write songs and stuff sometimes. (Like ptsdthemusical.net) Bike riding is the most fun. she/her
Dr Ian Preston
Dr Ian Preston
Mathematician/particle physicist turned privacy researcher. Building a better web - private, self-sovereign identity, p2p, social - with @peergos.org. The world doesn't need public social media. #covidisairborne #maskswork #cleantheair
Ekphrastic Trek 🖖 Sober leftist with bipolar disorder who lives with a cat and loves walking around downtown Lexington. Read my blog about Star Trek: The Next Generation



Available for podcasts and guest columns
Matthew Cortland (they)
Matthew Cortland (they)
🖋️ Lawyer, advocate, writer, public health nerd
🦠 Immunocompromised, chronically ill, disabled

Then: SSI, SNAP, Medicaid
Now: data & policy, disability, healthcare.

🔗 linktr.ee/matthewcortland
Biden-Harris '24 | Librarians!!! | MnDOT (ret.) | LGBTIQA+
|🖖 #AllTheStarTreks | #PeanutHamper | ND ♾️ | (she/her)
Official Bluesky account (check domain👆)

Follow for updates and announcements
M 🧐
M 🧐
BA double-major in phil/psych (cog sci)
MSc in cyber warfare
disabled in #STEM
chaotic good he/him
Bilbo Yaga
Bilbo Yaga
Somewhere between a hobbit and a hag. Enthused about books, birds, science, and all things cozy, spooky, or nerdy. Healthcare PhD loud about public health, disability justice, & collective liberation. 😷🌈♿️🍉
they/them might be giants ☭
they/them might be giants ☭
Clay (they/them). Communist (ML ☭), anti-imperialist. Philosophy, history and mental health. Host of @losingourmindspod.bsky.social.

Venmo/Cashapp: claymationary :)

Support/find my work on: https://www.patreon.com/LosingOurMindsattheEndoftheWor
John Scalzi
John Scalzi
I enjoy pie.
Naomi Harvey PhD
Naomi Harvey PhD
Zoologist who specialises in animal behaviour (particularly pets 🐶🐱🐰) & veterinary research. She/her.
21yrs with #MEcfs Pro-vax but vaccine injured. Life on pause due to moderate/severe ME/CFS ♿️
Jay 🦋
Jay 🦋
CEO of Bluesky, steward of AT Protocol.

Let’s build a federated republic, starting with this server. 🌱 🪴 🌳
Just Here For The News
Notes From the High Pandemic.
On The Bird for now https://twitter.com/ktho641521
but migrating in case
Also on Mastodon https://zeroes.ca/@JustHereForTheNews


Denis - The COVID info Guy
Denis - The COVID info Guy
Sharing info on COVID since the start of the pandemic.

#COVIDisNotOver #COVIDisAirborne
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Electronic Frontier Foundation
We're the Electronic Frontier Foundation. We're a nonprofit that fights for your privacy and free speech online.

Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey Bay Aquarium
How do you do, fellow squids? 🌊 We're your frondly Aquarium with a mission to inspire conservation of the ocean. https://www.montereybayaquarium.org
David Blanchflower BSc
David Blanchflower BSc
Astronomer and Astrophotographer. Pictures of space appearing in posts, magazines and on the telly.
Artificial Intelligence Institute
Artificial Intelligence Institute
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #BigData #DigitalTransformation #DataScience
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Get smarter about AI in 5 mins. Daily AI newsletter with insights, curated news, deals, trends, & practical applications of AI for savvy business & tech pros. Subscribe (Its Free): https://links.theaiml.com/newsletter
#AI #ML #AGI #Tech
MoMA Paintings and Sculpture
MoMA Paintings and Sculpture
Bleep bloop! I am a bot that shares art from the MoMA's Paintings and Sculpture collection. Not associated with MoMA.
Pantéa Javidan, JD, PhD.
Pantéa Javidan, JD, PhD.
Faculty & Research Fellow @ Stanford Center for Human Rights & International Justice + Human Rights in Trauma Mental Health Lab. Views mine.
Marisa Kabas
Marisa Kabas
writer of www.thehandbasket.co (now hosted on beehiiv)

💌: [email protected]
signal: marisakabas.04

buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/marisakabas
Brewster Kahle
Brewster Kahle
Digital Librarian, Internet Archive, Open Library. https://brewster.kahle.org https://archive.org https://openlibrary.org
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right. https://sethcotlar.substack.com/
Covid is not a cold, masking is praxis, let's take care of each other 😷


reading (speculative fiction, philosophy) | gaming (video, board) | listening (metal, podcasts from the left)
Dr. Lucky Tran
Dr. Lucky Tran
📢 Public Health, Climate Justice, and Science Communication

🎓 Columbia, Cornell, Cambridge, Adelaide

➡️ Find me on other websites: http://linktr.ee/luckytran
abolitionist artist / CEO of GAY ARBYS / sentient sandwich

Internet Archive
Internet Archive
Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering millions of free books, movies, & audio files, plus billions of saved web pages in the Wayback Machine.
End of list.