Jeffrey Yosephus Dorchen

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Jeffrey Yosephus Dorchen

essayist, fiction writer, other kind of writer, food preparer and eater, illustration guy, sickened unto death by the folly of humanity, nevertheless astonished by the cosmic myriad
Are you insane? This is the best thing on the internet EVER! It's so much more than anything that can be described.
The best thing I saw on the internet today was that someone made an entire taxonomy of the little plastic clips you put on bread bags
It is very telling to see all these social media posts from pundits shocked at how boring this is, thus revealing they've never actually heard an entire Trump speech, which are often like this.
Lou Dobbs? Fuck that guy. But, y'know, RIP.
I'm old enough to remember a media that in 1992 treated the defining story of the whole RNC as being the terrifying extremism of Pat Buchanan, who was not the nominee or VP nominee but GHWB's defeated rival. And that was for a level of extremism that Trump or Vance tweet out before breakfast.
A much-the-worse-for-wear Mike Pence comes crawling to the RNC to beg forgiveness for escaping with his head attached. Oh, no, sorry, it's another one of those actual criminals Trump likes to surround himself with.
Peter Navarro, the former Trump administration official, was released from prison on Wednesday after a four-month sentence for contempt of Congress — in time to fly to Milwaukee to speak at the Republican National Convention.
Peter Navarro, Trump Trade Adviser, Released From Prison and Headed to the The former Trump administration official completed a four-month sentence for contempt of Congress and will speak at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday.
Elon is garbage. X is garbage. Trump and his sycophants are garbage. Your daily report.
"We want to be the first law enforcement agency to have a Cybertruck" is one of the easiest ways to tell your community that they exist to subsidize your lifestyle and that you will do nothing for them in return.
Cops want Cybertrucks. They serve no practical purpose and are an irresponsibly expensive misuse of taxpayer funds that have sacrificed much more beneficial public services…but cops don’t care about the communities they serve.
Hey, why did Trump have to pick a new running mate? Why didn't his old VP come back to run alongside him? Did something happen?
If New York Democrats think that doing less to improve the lives of working class New Yorkers will help them win elections, and that Republicans won’t call them “radical far-left antifa socialists” no matter how far Right they move, then they should get used to losing.
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
I will take this small joy and hold it close.
Trump is 100% now imagining getting shot at every time he gets in front of a crowd, for the rest of his life.
Gambia lawmakers who had been moving toward repealing the country's ban on female genital cutting overwhelmingly changed course on Monday, voting instead to keep the legislation in place after women staged an intense three-month campaign.
Gambia Votes to Keep Ban on Female Genital Cutting, in Sharp Lawmakers in the West African country had supported overturning the prohibition, but changed course on Monday after a vociferous campaign led by women.
Make no mistake, I absolutely loath the idea of knocking on the doors of voters who somehow remain uncertain about who to vote against, but my discomfort will have to take a back seat to necessity. In any event, I'm sure as hell not surrendering to that bastard 112 days before the election.
Knowledge is power, which is why Donald Trump’s Project 2025 would decimate public education. 🔴 Abolishing the Department of Education 🔴 Public tax money for private and religious schools 🔴 Curriculums based on ideology 🔴 No cancellation of student loans This harms everyone
Experts are calling this the most homo-erotic photo ever taken.
“Humanism and the Renaissance were born from the passionate and boundless expectation and striving of an aging epoch; its soul, shattered to its very depths was thirsting for a new youth. ” Excerpt From: Bakhtin,Mikhail _Rabelais_and_His_World_,1984.
"Trump tells Iowans to ‘get over’ school shooting at campaign event the former president made the comment 36 hours after one student was killed and seven people wounded during the first day of school" Get over it, Elon.
It is Lauren Boebert who bears total responsibility for all discharges of phallic objects in crowded public environments. Every projection is a confession.
He thought hte speech was boring and wanted trump to improvise, getting rid of the teleprompter was the only way
at the time of the shot trump was bragging about his plan to deport 20 million people
Right, not because we were all screaming out the answers we wished he were articulate enough to give on our behalf.
‘The debate​ last month between Biden and Trump was painful to watch because it reminded us that someday we’ll all die.’ Christian Lorentzen on Biden, online early:
Christian Lorentzen · Hey man, we’re out of runway: Bad Times for Age took the edge off Biden. Reaching the White House four years ago, he accomplished at 78 what he couldn’t manage at...
Media asking if Harris has the vision to run the country and if Vance should shave. Both sides getting scrutiny.
No actually, I’m not wrong. This is the campaign talking about Project 2025, which they have quite a bit to their credit. But it would be helpful if the candidate did as well. The candidate is always going to be the campaign’s main messenger. That’s the way this works.
Correct! People sending links to campaign websites and statements, which: great! But again, the main messenger of a campaign *is its candidate*
Didn't mention it once in the debate (50M viewers) or once in his interview with Stephanopoulos (8M). Instead goes on Morning Joe and talks about NATO. What are we even doing?
Boeing agreed on Sunday to plead guilty to a felony charge of conspiring to defraud the federal government over two fatal crashes of the 737 Max in 2018 and 2019. But the deal is not the final word on that saga. Here’s what to know.
Boeing Struck a Deal With the Justice Department. What Comes Next? The plane manufacturer must still resolve various legal challenges and operational problems tied to the troubled 737 Max plane.
Seems like a pretty serious memory lapse to me.
Trump gushed over Heritage and Roberts in a 2022 speech. Trump now claims not to know who is behind Project 2025, which is led by Roberts and Heritage.
Donald Trump on Heritage’s Kevin Roberts, who oversees Project 2025: “He’s going to be so incredible”
One failed attempt at a shoe bomb and we all take our shoes off at the airport. One failed attempt at overthrowing our country and we still allow the guy who orchestrated it to run for President so he can do it again. Why aren’t we protecting America from right-wing terrorism?