An argument for the pit

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An argument for the pit

Gen X dad. The fucking worst.
Cheap Trick had it right: the optimal makeup for a four piece rock group is two pretty members, a schlub, and a goofball
Dang the cast in EYEWITNESS is bonkers. William Hurt, James Woods, Sigourney Weaver, Christopher Plummer, Morgan Freeman, and the DA from early Law and Order episodes, some other guy, a person, and a dog.
Muting Elon here. I literally never went to know what he has to say or think. Someone will call him fElon when he finally gets arrested and I’ll know to take it off them.
You Won’t Believe How Many Senses Are Working Overtime For This Forgotten Band!!!
Project 2025 is almost comically evil and I still going to see 40% of these dumb fuckers vote for it. It’s horrible on face, and nobody cares. I can’t even get the media to care about because Biden said “Daddio” in 2017 and they lead with that.
MARGE: Assassin | Stealth Mode ステルス暗殺者
Criterion Channel is so good I am almost mad about it. I can’t watch all these in any reasonable timeframe! The 80s/90s Godzilla revival? A Les Blank minifestival? Extras on the screwball comedies? I mean, goddamn, there’s only so much time in the day!
Getting kind of Weimar-y
I wonder if that SCOTUS decision would have gone another way if the J6 Insurrectionists were bringing zipties into chambers and taking shits on the Chief Justice’s desk?
🛑 Stop reading and watching and listening to infuriating shit. It’s not good for you, it’s not good for me when you bring it to me to also watch and hear and read. Someone wants you to be mad and miserable. Don’t give them the pleasure. 🛑
Sucks. Not sure why folks are surprised Alito didn’t opt to save us or whatever. Anyway, you still have to vote, because not voting is a vote. Each vote for the bag of bones is like two votes against the not-even-quiet-about-it fascist. Because not voting at all means you didn’t try to stop it.
Pretty sure that the main reason Joe Biden will be the nominee is because the rich old white people that control virtually everything won’t be very open to the opinion that “a powerful old white person can get too old to be in power anymore.”
OMFG the first gymnast on the first event
Why stop at brokered convention? Have the Vulcans do an early first contact to restore the timeline and save the future of the Federation while you're writing fanfic.
Value your mental health. I didn’t watch the debate. What was I going to learn? That Biden is old? That Trump is fascism inchoate? I know these things. It doesn’t change anything. It would just make me feel worse that this is what our system produces. We watched gymnastics, it was wonderful.
Also don't feel bad about muting certain words or blocking/muting people who have suddenly become too much, or indeed walking away from social media until whatever freak-out is ongoing has settled down, social media is not the world, and you're allowed to curate it so as not to stress you out.
Every morning I check the news and it's like -SCOTUS Eliminates Three More Basic Rights, Only Six Remain -President Mispronounces a Word, Will Now Lose Election to Senile Hitler -New AI Company Uses Artist Blood to Let Billionaires and Racists Live Forever, Gets $45 Billion Valuation
Busta Rhymes is on The View. Literally LOLing out loud here.
einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️
Hello Jews of Bluesky. If you would like to be included in the new JewSky Plus feed repost this! And if you ever want to be removed from it, undo the repost!
My body invests probably 40% of incoming calories into new kinds of hair. • Whisker growing from an earlobe? Yes. • New white versions of the classics? Nice. • Eyebrow, but only straight out of face? Of course. • How high can we get whiskers up the cheek? Let’s explore.
Olympic events they should bring back: PLUNGE FOR DEPTH. Dive in the pool, from a stand, don’t move. See how deep you can go. I don’t actually want this back, I just think it’s hilarious. ROPE CLIMB. Climb a rope fast. STANDING LONG JUMP. Just try to jump far without running.
These Meandering Li’l Marmalade Bros say: *Incomprehensible Italian Gibberish* 🍄❤️💚 #DailyDoodle #MarioAndLuigi
I kind of love how the most highly rated comment on any film clip on YT is always someone just stating the most obvious fucking thing about it. “Mozart is so innocent! he plays the song Salieri wrote and makes it sooooo much better he doesn’t even know he is so insulting 😆 “ THANKS! INSIGHTFUL
OMG OMG Spotted a small bird on top of one of the yellow pipeline markers. Brain scrambles to both tell dad to stop before we scare it and trying frantically to ID it cause we are going to scare it. It spooks and lands just on the other side of the pipeline ditch. A BURROWING OWL! 🪶