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Born of science & wonder. Particles in superposition formed to create signal impulses of levity, love, sarcasm, sesquipidalian paradox, hot logic and tepid reality.
I'm gone.
For *some* of us... There is no safe harbor. There is no "belonging." There is no squad, community, tent, or 'in-group'. There is no inclusion, welcome, kinship, or "fam." Being iconoclastic is a desert. Where an oasis once might've been stumbled upon haphazardly, now... only mirages.
Yup, not the place. Oh well. Enjoy and be well, all.
" (1) non-shitty corner of the internet where we can be ourselves." Yeeeeahhh, but I think that's *the* ("social" networking/platform) canard -- cause no such corner can/will exist. This sure as shit ain't it or close... and *not* due to the reasons, in my case, that one might assume.
Jeezus.... Fuck thiz place and the pervasive shitty-attitude responses to someone who makes a simple comment (not even in disagreement!!) I fucking HATE PEOPLE... and it worsens **daily** due to the unending vile rancor.
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
Reminder that "punishable by fine" means "legal for rich folks."
NEW YORK (AP) — Judge fines Donald Trump $5K but won’t hold him in contempt after post disparaging court clerk lingered on campaign site.
This is sagacious. Also, following this guideline means that "my people" haven't apparently existed -- At. All. -- since, oohhh... probably 2011-2013ish. No, that isn't in the least an exaggeration. One tends to notice such a thing. If you believe *you* have things bad -- YOU >>DON'T<<.
Remember who checks on you when you get a little quiet. Those are your people.
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
It seems like a lot of the problems people are facing right now are being caused by the fact that a few people are insisting they personally should become not just filthy rich but offensively rich. Billionaires are a choice, and one we should all unmake.
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
"A warrior's task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity." ~Sitting Bull
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
modern society sucks. you used to be able to run away and join the circus
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
Apparently there’s an influx of far right nazi arseholes. Remember the rules. Do not engage. Do not quote post to dunk. Block early, block often. Starve them of oxygen.
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
For *some* of us... There is no safe harbor. There is no "belonging." There is no squad, community, tent, or 'in-group'. There is no inclusion, welcome, kinship, or "fam." Being iconoclastic is a desert. Where an oasis once might've been stumbled upon haphazardly, now... only mirages.
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
A Texas judge has ruled that Infowars host Alex Jones cannot use bankruptcy protection to avoid paying more than $1.1 billion to families who sued over his conspiracy theories that the Sandy Hook school massacre was a hoax.
Negative behavior rewarded is *learned* behavior.
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
Interesting read, in a first scientists were able to give "cognitive memory impairment" symptoms to mice through gut microbes found in Alzheimer's patients. Could be a huge step forward in diagnosing and treating early stage Alzheimer's.
In a Huge First, Scientists Transfer Alzheimer's to Healthy Young "An important step forward in our understanding of the disease."
While it may be enjoyable, worthwhile, and an S-tier LifeProTip, punching Nazis will *never* be adequate. Permanently reducing their number to zero is The Way™ - they all but *demand* it with zeal.
I've been the recipient of multiple bully/abusers over the course of my years. People aren't likely to exactly like it - I know I sure don't/didn't - but the *only* thing that ever made them stop was: Vicious, unrelenting, and BRUTAL violent retribution & disproportionate self-defense. No joke.
It's no fun to be a bully without the people to bully, otherwise you might be the one the other bullies turn on
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
I’m adding a link to the specific block list I’ve been adding these to here
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
"Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one’s head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace." - Oscar Wilde
Jordan lost 112-86 via Kat Cammack. Republicans go home for the weekend. New candidates (likely to include Kevin Hern, Mike Johnson, Jack Bergman, possibly Dave Mueser, Emmer) have until noon Sunday to announce. Candidate forum Monday, vote Tuesday- - 24 days until a government shutdown.
[No-surprise update]: I don't think I can do this anymore.
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
the information revolution started by internet access became a misinformation revolution because we lacked the cultural institutions needed to empower individuals to think critically
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
This acquisition will be a case study of failure, taught in schools for years.
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
Jon Stewart's show will no longer be shooting its upcoming third season after disagreements with Apple about his planned episodes on China & Ai. Apple approached Jon & said that his views needed to align with the company to move forward, so he quit.
Jon Stewart’s Apple TV Plus show ends, reportedly over coverage of AI and Sensitive subjects.
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
Weird how right after folks started posting invite codes in the open to spite people saying “Hey, don’t post invite codes in the open, bad actors grab them to start their bullshit here en masse” we got a wave of Pepe Frog Avatars speaking German that love Nordic runes. Sure that’s not related.
Going on a timeout - back when I'm back.
Reposted byAvatar Conundrum
Hi Yodamonkey, To see yr own posts ► go to Profile (see arrow in screen capture below) ► click on Posts (circled below) ► Next item to the right is your Posts + Replies ► click on #Feeds & select Feeds to follow Hope that helps! #BlueSkyTips
Yeah, people definitely shouldn't be haphazardly leaving "house keys" (<-- HYPERBOLE) where just **anyone** can pick 'em up and show up to cause toxic grief. Or was that *not* blatantly clear via the grade-school level context clues?! Dogpiling derpwads can SUCK MY WHOLE ASS. 😡