
Look at how The Times is positioning this. As they call for Biden's head but even before she might ascend to the candidacy, it's tearing down Harris. Doing her job is "trying to quiet her doubters." They write about the odds of success not the stakes of failure: fascism.
They also complained that Al Gore was too boring while saying GWB was a president you could have a beer with. I have never understood the latter sentiment. I *want* someone who knows more shit than I do as president! I don't want someone dumber than me as president!
Lede-brained with a serious tilt towards passive voicing fascism is certainly a way that the NYT has chosen to be
I remember learning of this in school, truly a defining moment of history crystallized in amber. I wondered if they might do it again, but I didn't anticipate just how odiously how hard they would go
They have to be as aggro as it takes, to make sure Trump gets the message.
It's all a game, & if they can bring down Biden, it's a game where they've proven to be one of the biggest players.
These same publications building her up for their own nefarious means are the same ones who will tear her back down.
This is about getting rid of Biden because he beats their future gravy train.
What was that Trump said about the free press - enemy of the people? Looks like some took him up on it to prove him true.
Because they expect to thrive regardless. Both Trump and Biden are establishment politicians. They'll do just fine no matter the outcome.
I wonder if the Times's coverage is so extreme that it backfires. It's supposed to get me fearful and glued to their feed, but instead I have just decided to walk away from it. Is anyone taking them seriously anymore?
...they're so overflowing with pride about having done so much to elect Trump the first time, they want that dopamine again.
The rhetoric is literally Trumpian: "They all say she can't do the job. I'd never say that . . ."
Vile as it would be, I'd just love someone to scream the not-very quiet part out loud: "Biden should have listened to me and picked this white man in the first place. I'll settle for Gretchen Whitmer if you must have some estrogen on the ticket to quiet the wokes."