Jennifer Schell

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Jennifer Schell

UAF English Professor, Ecogothic Aficionado, Cetacean Enthusiast, Canine Therapy Human. I write about species extinction, circumpolar environments (mostly Arctic), and environmental humanities. Views my own.
🍄 A fungus endemic to Australia, the ghost fungus (Omphalotus nidiformis) has bioluminescent properties and is usually found on dead or diseased wood #fungi #fungifriends #biodiversity #wildoz 🍄📷
The online version will be available soon! Probably a week or two - then everyone can access it!
“A Lipan Apache Ancestor’s Improbable Return” - My article about the loss of home (again, again, and again) followed by the incredible return of tribal land & a 750-year-old relative is a featured essay in the Texas Observer. Thank u to Lise Olsen, who helped me shape this essay. <3
The world's last population of woolly mammoths started with just eight individuals, creating a genetic bottleneck that left the shaggy beasts vulnerable to extinction. I'll tell you more at NatGeo.
What killed the last woolly mammoths? Researchers had long thought that inbreeding caused a genetic meltdown in the last mammoth population, but a new ancient DNA analysis says otherwise.
This is great news.
After decades of activism, Joe Biden’s administration finally was the one to ban USDA’s Wildlife Services division from deploying cyanide bombs on federal BLM lands. These things have killed pets and injured recreationists, and killing carnivores is bad policy anyway. Biden got it done.
US agency ends use of 'cyanide bomb' to kill coyotes and other predators, citing safety The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has halted the use of spring-loaded traps that disperse cyanide powder to kill coyotes and other predators.
Great article linked here, couldn't agree more! 👍 The bonus material on DVDs & BluRays is one of the reasons why we, the #FIDAAC keep acquiring these media types to preserve them & make them accessible to scholars - independent from online streaming services and their films' temporary availability
wholeheartedly endorse. the lotr extended edition dvd featurettes are my favorite media of all time, we need more of that energy in the world
DVDs Had Something Streaming Never Will. It’s Time to Bring It Even casual fans are lured by a high-quality product that doesn’t exist on streaming platforms.
So grateful to be able to premiere the third biannual installment of the Succession: Queering the Environment series! This year we are focusing on the theme of “rebellion.” #envhist #envhum #queerhistory
Gorgeous #mastodon at the Yale Peabody Museum. ♥️ (belated #FossilFriday 🧪⚒️)
Everyone deserves some high-flying offshore bottlenose dolphins (pics taken June 30) 🐬🏺
Since 1977, scientists had only identified 77 whale falls across the world’s oceans, but a recent effort uncovered a startling density of them off the coast of Los Angeles, California. 🐋🦴🔍 By
More Whale Falls Found off Los Angeles than in the Rest of the World Combined | Hakai A mysterious discovery reveals how little we know about the deep ocean.
Zombie green slime mold after some much needed rain!
Break out the sunscreen & bikinis, we’re going swimming! The Aquatic Horror Research Guide (Part 1 of 2) is live on the blog with a vast sea of scholarship from #murrayleeder #gothicnature #kimmorrison + many more. #horror
All of these, plus entire conversations with squirrels because they chatter back 🐿️
Things I've spontaneously said to animals. Mailing list: Patreon:
Hear, hear: “In fact, the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump. Trump, 78, has been on the political stage for eight years marked by chaos, corruption, and incivility. Why go back to that?”
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
5-month-old #humpback whale freed from fishing gear entanglement near Provincetown, Massachusetts. "The whale's mother named Scylla had visible injuries, suggesting she had also been entangled but managed to shed the rope."
Video shows team freeing young humpback whale from potentially deadly entanglement off A team of rescuers freed a young humpback whale from a potentially deadly entanglement off Massachusetts.
Reminder: When someone 1) Has an obvious financial conflict of interest to oppose clean energy 2) Has never given a shit about whales before and 3) Is a well-documented lying liar You do not need to take "we have to stop clean energy to save the whales" claims from them seriously.
Whales Are Dying but Not from Offshore Politicians and nonprofit groups have blamed offshore wind turbines for whale deaths, but the science doesn’t support those claims—at all
In Iceland we have a word for feeling really guilty for staying inside on a sunny day, because they are so rare and precious. We call it "sólviskubit" and it sounds a lot like "samviskubit" which means having a guilty conscious. And I am suffering from a sólviskubit right now.
Check out Kevin Sweeney's review of Eugene Linden's review of "Fire and Flood: A People's History of Climate Change, from 1979 to the Present," published in 2022 by; review now available on H-Net #envhist #climate #envhum #globalwarming
Since we're at the height of mozzie season!
News you can use: “Mosquitoes are also drawn to certain colors—they love red and black, Riffell said in the video. But mosquitoes tend to dislike white and green, Riffell added.”
The Scents and Colors Mosquitoes Are Drawn Research has found that mosquitoes are drawn to certain smells and colors.
Want to get in touch with our Executive Committee or pitch something for our website to our Editor-in-Chiefs? Drop us a line at nichecanadawebsite @ gmail dot com. #envhist #envhum #cdnhist #histgeog
I can't believe I forgot the hashtag! #CoastalHistory #CoastalStudies!
Special issue call on 'coastal imaginaries' for our Coastal Studies & Society journal! Abstracts are due next Monday, 1 July, so if you're interested, please get crackin'!
Scenes from around Kotzebue. The bluebells are in town, the rest is from a ride on the one road that leaves Kotzebue, loops through the tundra and comes back into town. The photo with the village shows the entire village, minus South tent city I think.
A towering smoke column and pyrocumulus cloud from the Clear fire (3,500 acres) near Fairbanks, Alaska. In the background, smoke from the larger McDonald fire near Salcha (50,000 acres). Photo taken from the Reichardt Building, UAF, last night. #wildfire #Alaska
Just wanted to spread the word about the upcoming launch for this fabulous essay collection! Kathleen Hudson and Mary Going were kind enough to include my essay on Cotton Mather's bizarre Jonah sermon. It concludes with shout outs to The Meg by Steve Alten and Whalefall by🐳🦈