
If you care about criminal system reform, Project 2025 would allow the DOJ to prosecute reform-minded district attorneys.
They will also end consent decrees (natch). Plus it will make the BJS "focus on producing the statistics of greatest interest to everyday Americans, and hence of policymakers, rather than those of particular interest to criminal-justice academics." The [email protected] provision
Project 2025 will also de-list grizzlies and wolves.
"so-called gender identity" fuck off Nazi
Elected DAs? Maybe they should start branding themselves as constitutional DAs, accountable only to the constitution & those that elect them.
I missed getting my “be gay, do crime” license from our local DA.
Did you know prosecutors give gay people a pass?
Quick, somebody tell George Santos.
Project 25 reads like what happens when low/zero empathy people write their letter to Santa Claus.
I suspect this is how they are going to get their ‘concentration camps.’ At least at first. They will criminalize many activities, then arrest people as ‘criminals.’ So if we try to do an end-run with a DA that respects human rights, they want to be able to go after them.
Don’t prosecutors have absolute immunity from liability for discretionary prosecutorial decisions?
Project 2025 is trying to make being trans pornography per se to get around 1A so sure the law is one thing but some Trump appointee is going to YOLO it anyway and get affirmed by the 5th.
I try not to be relentlessly legal cynicist but it's hard not to in the face of all of this.
Look if they break that bar it’s gonna get really funny for prosecutors really quick
There's a reason I call it YOLO conservativism.
The hilarious thing would be for Dem appointees to just start issuing pre-emptive injunctions forbidding Kacsmaryk to do stuff. Like, the day a useful Biden EO is issued there's also an injunction from some rando circuit judge forbidding Kacsmaryk to even hear a case related to it.
We’re gonna get to the point of bailiffs making some really difficult decisions whether or not to listen to a red-faced judge yelling at them
If you're trying to tear down a system, getting the other side to break the rules is almost as much of a win as your own side doing it. There's a reason SCOTUS didn't mind declaring the President a dictator with a Dem in office. Because they know he won't abuse it, unlike their guy.
All you need to do to defeat it is to get a liberal think tank to put out Project 2026, where the only item is to repeal Project 2025, then get Fox News commentators to talk endlessly about how it's going to destroy the country.
What the bot is here for!
So prosecute Vy Vance because he refused to prosecute Trump for hush money?
Project 2025 is a document for a plan of coercive control over all the kind that heretofore has been hatched, refined and used in family court to give abusers complete control to terrorize their families