Josh Fischman

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Josh Fischman

Senior medicine editor at Scientific American. Cohost, Your Health Quickly podcast. Assigning stories on health, biology, social & political science, cute animals
Soon after Homo sapiens showed up as a species, we started to have sex with Neanderthals, 200k years ago. About 10% of their genome came from us, according to a new paper in Science. And some of our genes came from them. 🧪
Neanderthals and modern humans mingled early and Ancient DNA study gives a Neanderthal-eye view of prehistory, offers clues to how our cousins vanished
More evidence that N95 masks stop COVID transmission. 🧪🩺This controlled Lancet study measured actual #s of virus particles from COVID patient breath & found masks reduced escaped particles 98%. Lowered risk of COVID transmission by 20-fold. (Surgical masks did poorly, so why do surgeons wear them?)
Relative efficacy of masks and respirators as source control for viral aerosol shedding from people infected with SARS-CoV-2: a controlled human exhaled breath aerosol experimental These results suggest that N95 respirators could be the standard of care in nursing homes and healthcare settings when respiratory viral infections are prevalent in the community and healthcare-associ...
Is it possible to be fat and healthy? A puzzling group of people, who seem disease-free for a short time, are causing scientists to debate this question. Read the story by Christie Aschwanden, a surprising article about obesity, stigma, and medicine. 🧪 🩺
People Who Are Fat and Healthy May Hold Keys to Understanding “Heavy and healthy” can be a rare or common condition. But either way it may signal that some excess weight is just fine
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シャボン玉にうっとりする犬🐶 A little friend was playing with soap bubbles and I was allowed to take his picture.
Weight loss drugs. After laughing at them w/ South Park's The End of Obesity, ("Rich people get Ozempic. Poor people get body positivity."), read what they do in your brain in SciAm's new issue on health and weight: 🧪🩺
Congrats! (And i wonder what was going on on Day 6 and 7, 🩺 people?)
I’m going OUT goddammit
1954, about 450 feet from home plate with his back turned, Willie Mays hauls in a line drive and saves World Series Game 1. Say Hey to the hero who passed today, age 93.
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Illustrated field journal entries from the SCSU archaeology field school. Such a fun way to really think deeply about artifacts, both mundane and unusual! #Archaeology #Archaeoart #SCSUFS2024 🏺🧪🐡
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Chien-Shiung Wu’s colleagues Chen Ning Yang and Tsung Dao Lee, the theorists who proposed the effect, were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1957. But she was left off of the prize. It's one of the most glaring examples in the Nobel Physics Prize's long history of sexism. 🧪 👩‍🔬
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🧪 The CDC confirmed a third human case of H5N1 bird flu in a Michigan dairy worker, who experienced respiratory symptoms but is recovering with antiviral treatment. The CDC states the risk to the public remains low, with no human-to-human transmission detected. 🩺🛟
Bird flu infects third US dairy worker; Michigan set to expand A third U.S. dairy worker tested positive for bird flu after exposure to infected cows, and was the first to suffer respiratory problems, U.S. officials said on Thursday.
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🧪 The CDC has identified new SARS-CoV-2 variants, collectively known as FLiRT. As of late April, the KP.2 variant represented 25% of US cases, KP.1.1 accounted for 7.5%, and the winter variant JN.1 made up 22%. 🩺🛟
There's a new COVID-19 variant called FLiRT: Here's what you need to know about There's a new COVID variant nicknamed "FLiRT." Here's what you need to know about the variant, including the symptoms.
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Our team are braving adverse weather to change #kakapo transmitters on Anchor Island. Several birds have been roosting in holes - perhaps for better shelter (they also roost under vegetation and up trees). Here’s Waa underground - photo by Maddy Whittaker. #conservation #parrots
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We saw a geoduck farm! There were HUNDREDS and they'd squirt out water if you bumped into them.
1. Idaho threatens docs w/ jail if they terminate pregnancies to save mothers lives 2. Pregnant women w/ life threatening conditions need helicopters to fly out of state. 3. A helicopter can't save their lives like a hospital can. 4. That helicopter could be flying car crash victims for help...🩺 🧪
Some Idaho physicians now advise pregnant patients, or those trying to become pregnant, to purchase memberships with medical air transport companies to avoid potentially significant costs if they need transport out of state for care in an emergency Via
Loss of federal protection in Idaho spurs pregnant patients to Since the U.S. Supreme Court decided in January to consider a case about whether a federal law regarding emergency medical treatment supersedes an abortion ban in Idaho, air transports out of state fo...
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"The strange world of crocodile hairballs and the Queenslanders who collect them" - a brief introduction to croc bezoars (a bit like cat furballs or owl pellets). I have few goals in life, but finding a crocodile hairball has just become one. 🧪 🌍 🐊
Measles isn't just a rash. It can kill 3 in 1000 infected kids. We have more measles cases in 3 months this year than in all of 2023. In our podcast and I discuss why w/ Did you know vaccines, even given after infection, reduce serious symptoms? 🧪🩺
Measles Is Back, and That’s The deadly virus was practically eliminated in the U.S., but now it’s infecting more people.
On the Moon, time moves microseconds faster than on Earth. So we are getting a new Moon time zone. My question is: will it have the same stupid daylight/standard time shifts we put up with here? 🧪
Families are under attack in America. Real families with LGBTQ children. Read Marla Broadfoot's new story in Scientific American -- an astounding piece of reporting-- to learn of state laws that help these attacks. And ways that families are helping their kids.
How Families with LGBTQ Kids Protect Their Children from Dangerous New Hostility toward LGBTQ kids, enshrined in hundreds of new bills, has put families with such children under unprecedented threat, raising risks of suicide and physical attacks
Biologist Richard Ebright of Rutgers has abandoned evidence-based objections to others' theories & replaced them with angry personal attacks. Other scientists now demand that he stop, or that Rutgers make him stop.
‘Lab-leak’ proponents at Rutgers accused of defaming and intimidating COVID-19 origin Letter by 12 COVID-19 scientists says social media attacks violate university policy and could incite physical harm
Ok. This shows what's wrong with Gaza war reporting in a nutshell. Story about finger pointing: Gaza says Israel did it. Israel denies. But the actual story is that 20 killed, hundreds wounded trying to get food. Who are they, their families, what's the ongoing harm?
A plan for the Trump 2025 presidency will turn NIH grant decisions over to individual states. Hmmm. If each state divided up spaceflight projects in the 1960s, would we have landed on the moon in 1969? 🧪
I don't think biomedical researchers realize how much is at stake with the upcoming election. Take a look at some snippets from Project2025, the blueprint for the next Trump Administration and then be afraid. Then get organized. Ignoring it and putting our heads in the sand is not an option.
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Have you heard recently about discrepancies in the Hubble constant and are wondering what’s up? I dive into the Hubble tension in my latest video. (I very much appreciate it if you feel like watching bc my science videos don’t do nearly as well as my spaceflight ones!) 🧪🔭🛰️ #scicomm #womeninstem
JWST confirmed measurements of the Hubble constant, and that’s a problem. Here’s JWST has confirmed the Hubble Space Telescope's measurement of the Hubble constant. That means that there's a discrepancy within this fundmantal part of our ...