Jonathan Gilligan

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Jonathan Gilligan

Integrating social & natural sciences & modeling to study impacts & responses to climate change | They/them 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ nonbinary | Trans people are who we say we are | Solidarity with the student protesters in Bangladesh |
It will be fascism, but it will be a serene, spiritual fascism.
The government of Bangladesh is slaughtering nonviolent student protesters throughout the country. I have seen video posted by friends, of brutal atrocities against unarmed students. Reliable sources tell me that over 40 have been killed and thousands injured.
The government should remember its history, and think about how history thinks of those who killed the Bhasha Shohid in 1952.
A cold, dreary winter might be what comes to mind when we think of “seasonal depression.” But WPLN's Catherine Sweeney reports there is mounting evidence that hot summers — especially during heat waves — can bring us down too.
Tennessee heat wave dangers aren't just physical. They can damage mental health A cold, dreary winter might be what comes to mind when we think of “seasonal depression.” But there is mounting evidence that hot summers — especially
Dear Nazis: I'm a trans queer Jew in Nashville and I am not intimidated. Your hate is weaker than my love.
Nazi flags and 'pro white' T-shirts: Hate group passes out flyers on Broadway "For the second time in just as many weeks, a hate group stationed themselves in downtown Nashville and passed out flyers against those who were Jewish and in the LGBTQ community."
Nazi flags and 'pro white' T-shirts: Hate group passes out flyers on For the second time in just nearly as many weeks, a hate group stationed themselves in downtown Nashville and passed out flyers against those who were Jewish and in the LGBTQ community.
bystanders in downtown #Nashville clapped & cheered as a nazi got punched🖤 always, when possible, punch a nazi🏴
THANKS FOR PROVING LOVE NASHVILLE. thank you PARNASSUS BOOKS and NASHVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY and all the buckaroos who came out. what a trot
How does this apply to his parallel analysis of Frederick Douglass's take on racism? Do you think Bouie and Douglass consider Black people a group not worthy of having dignity on its own?
I read this, by Bouie, as supporting trans people and trans rights. YMMV, of course.
I have a different POV. If Bouie quit the Times, it would not change anything about the Times. His voice is valuable, even if his employer is evil. There are also people who work for the US government and do good things, even though the government supplies bombs for Israel to commit atrocities.
As far as I can see, there are very few jobs where the employer is not harmful to at least one vulnerable group, and to a large extent it's a huge privilege for anyone to have the opportunity to choose to work only for organizations that do no serious harm. That's how capitalism rolls.
TFW I see people reverently quoting Lincoln's first inaugural about the "better angels of our nature" when I know they would utterly disdain his first SOTU: "Labor is prior to and independent of capital. ... Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration. "
Dear pundits: Please proceed with caution when invoking Lincoln's 1st Inaugural Address, and his appeal to the "better angels of our nature." Remember, it didn't work! Quoting an appeal to unity that was followed by 4 years of civil war should give you pause about the power of such appeals. 🗃️
Also, what would WSJ make of Lincoln's first SOTU? "Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."
First Annual Message | The American Presidency
Lawyers, I do not want to be mean, but do laws even matter with the federal judiciary and the Supreme Court acting the way it is? Because it’s giving Dred Scott energy all day every day, ok?
The anti-Blackness on this site is omnipresent and uncontrolled, and it keeps getting worse. And every time it gets pointed out, white people keep deflecting to another marginalization they experience. But Black people still aren’t safe just being Black here. That’s that on that.
I'm remembering how, on Jan 6, 2021, Trump got furious with the Secret Service for having metal detectors, and shouting, "I don’t f---ing care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me.”
'They're not here to hurt me': Former aide says Trump knew Jan. 6 crowd was Cassidy Hutchinson described violent outbursts from the former president on Jan. 6.
How much of the security lapse on Saturday was because people assumed a cisgender White man exercising his Constitutional right to bear arms must be a "good guy with a gun"?
DAs often face little accountability. Take Mississippi's Doug Evans: Over 26 years, his team routinely struck Black people from juries—a pattern exposed in the case of Curtis Flowers, who he tried 6 times. He faced no discipline, retired on his own terms.
Mississippi DA, Exposed for Striking Black Jurors, Leaves His Office On His Own When the Supreme Court struck down Curtis Flowers’ conviction, it sparked lawsuits, bills, and calls for oversight. But DA Doug Evans is getting to walk away with no accountability.
Someone ought to remind the WSJ that linking bullseye campaign rhetoric to attempted assassinations is a libelous "bogus" "smear."
Well I'm given to understand that today & for a VERY limited time, our nation's political violence party is shocked—shocked!—to learn that we currently live in a world of normalized political violence, and would like very much to know who is to blame. Full Essay:
Gambling In Being blamed for a world of political violence by the people who force us to live in it, and are now shocked-shocked!—by it. Navigating the daily trauma of living in a bully's paradise.
And Rockwell knew that side our our culture deeply.
This essay is especially interesting. "The majority of censorship is self-censorship, but the majority of self-censorship is intentionally cultivated by an outside power."
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Very cool. My great great grandparents immigrated from (I think) county Limerick in the mid 1800s. My great grandfather was born circa 1870 in New York, and moved to the sand hills of Nebraska. My father's extended family is in Eastern Nebraska, ranging mostly from around O'Neill to Nebraska City.