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SARS2 avoider; mask wearer
Reposted byAvatar John69399
You're perpetrating it. I'm not looking forward to having to declare my medical history to justify keeping my mask on. A level three biohazard that decimates from the mitochondria harms 100% of people,
Reposted byAvatar John69399
"I'm left wing and was skeptical of Biden" lol no stop you are a Democrat not left wing; the left wing *hated* Biden for his jim crow crime bill and looting our youth.
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People who only mask when the numbers are high are one reason why my parents and I have been trapped in our house since this began. Every time you do not mask, you are contributing to the removal of disabled and chronically ill people from society.
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COVID levels on the west coast are 3x as high now as they were this time last year. cool cool cool cool
Absolutely infuriating that we have no infrastructure to notify the population of these trends. City public health departments should be monitoring local wastewater and sending alerts to the entire population when it crosses a specific threshold.
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Reposted byAvatar John69399
If the public consents to masks being banned in public spaces, during an ongoing pandemic in which a fatal airborne disease is spreading freely, then the public will have to share the blame for the harm that results.
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"The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda accomplishments." Michael Parenti
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Reposted byAvatar John69399
Reminder: Fascism rose partly as a result of the 1918 pandemic. Do not stay silent about the attempts to ban masks and protests.
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Reposted byAvatar John69399
Today also my husband and a cashier were both masked, and a third guy said “whoa, why is everyone masked?” And the cashier said “I’ve never stopped wearing one” and Sean said “Covid is very bad,” and the guy got huffy and stormed away. But what a great bro moment for the maskers.
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North Carolina just made medical masks illegal - Republicans overrode Governor’s veto. Protecting your health & health of others is now a crime & people can demand you unmask in public. The “exemption” is vague & problematic. This will lead to arrests & infections.
Republican-led NC House overrides three gubernatorial vetoes • NC Republicans in the North Carolina House made short work of three of Governor Roy Cooper's vetoes on Wednesday afternoon.
Reposted byAvatar John69399
Mask bans tell disabled people they don’t matter. That since we aren’t willingly “staying home forever” you’re going to FORCE us by making it illegal for us to protect ourselves. For what? So you don’t have to see a visual reminder that we’re still IN A PANDEMIC? #MaskBans #CovidCautious #Ableism
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This 🧵 goes out to every healthy person who thinks IF (not WHEN) they ever get sick, doctors and the healthcare system will do everything in their power to make them well again. Look into your future.👇 Then go back to masking 😷 because if you don’t take care of yourself now, no one will later. Bet.
I’ve got a friend who managed to avoid COVID for 4 years - before being infected in a healthcare setting. She spent 3 weeks being worked up for #LongCovid before ending up in the ER. She now has to face the realities of chronic illness. A thread: #CovidCautious
Thread by @broadwaybabyto on Thread Reader @broadwaybabyto: A friend of mine managed to avoid COVID until this winter - when she was infected in a healthcare setting. She’s not recovered. She’s showing signs of Long Covid & POTS. Spent last 3 ...
Reposted byAvatar John69399
This is why I have uterine fibroids and POTs . Covid wrecked my body and I’m still dealing with the aftermath 4 years later. Protect yourself the best you can.
Everyone thinks they won’t become disabled. That they’ll be the exception. That help will exist for them where it hasn’t existed for the millions that came before It’s hard to watch ppl be reckless with their health simply because they’re certain it’s OUR fault we’re sick #LongCovid #covidcautious
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Consider: this summer will be the first summer for many, many people who now have dysautonomia as a result of covid They'll find the heat unusually debilitating, having lost the ability to regulate their body temp.
Reposted byAvatar John69399
So many aspects of our society and the norms we accept boil down to being the product of sophisticated mindfuckery by the professional class. The level of blatant manipulation and propagandizing is off the charts.
Businesses are using ‘sociologists, psychologists, and anthropologists’ to get staff back to the After running out of carrots and sticks to bring workers back, employers want to know what makes them tick.
Reposted byAvatar John69399
covid broke a lot of us free of it and our owners fucking hate it
So many aspects of our society and the norms we accept boil down to being the product of sophisticated mindfuckery by the professional class. The level of blatant manipulation and propagandizing is off the charts.
Businesses are using ‘sociologists, psychologists, and anthropologists’ to get staff back to the After running out of carrots and sticks to bring workers back, employers want to know what makes them tick.
Reposted byAvatar John69399
Here's the latest variant picture for the United States. "FLuQE" variants (KP.3.*) are rising to challenge the dominant "FLiRT" variants. The growth advantage of 3% per day (18% per week) predicts a crossover in late June. More details
Mike Honey (@[email protected]) Attached: 1 image · Content warning: SARS-CoV-2 variants for the United States
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Here's the latest variant picture for Canada. "FLuQE" variants (KP.3.*) are challenging the dominant "FLiRT" variants. More details:
Mike Honey (@[email protected]) Attached: 1 image · Content warning: SARS-CoV-2 variants for Canada
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Here's the latest variant picture for the United Kingdom. "FLuQE" variants (KP.3.*) are growing faster than the "FLiRT" variants. The growth advantage of 2% per day (15% per week) predicts a crossover in late June. More details:
Mike Honey (@[email protected]) Attached: 1 image · Content warning: SARS-CoV-2 variants for the United Kingdom
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For anyone who has an informed understanding of where we are now with Covid-19, and where we are clearly going, the main priority is day-to-day survival. As current conditions degrade, however, the situation is certain to become much worse, making survival increasingly difficult.
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Reposted byAvatar John69399
Proposals to ban the wearing of masks, during a pandemic in which an airborne disease is spreading, constitute a deliberate assault on the essential principles of public health, and must be strongly resisted.
Reposted byAvatar John69399
Wave after wave after wave, we are losing ground to Covid-19, which, as a result of rampant contagion and continual infection, is now wildly thriving inside nearly every human body in the world. Under such dangerous conditions, the wholesale destruction of mankind is inevitable.
Reposted byAvatar John69399
Banning masks has nothing to do with preventing crime. Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, and everyone there wears a mask regularly.
Reposted byAvatar John69399
It's very funny when NPR is interviewing an expert in something and it all feels fairly normal and evenhanded and then at the end they're like "and that was Christopher Halliburton from the Center for Exploding Venezuela"
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