Jo Conklin Author

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Jo Conklin Author

I write kissing books! (And sometimes murder and magic books). How to Kiss a Nemesis, a sapphic rivals to lovers romcom now on submission. Rep’d by Annalise Errico at Ladderbird Lit (opinions are my own). JoConklin on most socials. Black Lives Matter 🏳️‍⚧
Accidentally bought reduced fat cheese for my quesadillas today so thoughts and prayers welcome in this time of tribulations.
That was the quickest urgent care visit I’ve ever been part of. But my hEDS partner’s days of assembling IKEA furniture are officially over. Apparently if you have crappy enough connective tissue and turn a screwdriver hard enough, your arm gives way before the screw does 😅
Me: I will not volunteer for another beta read in the middle of my revisions I will not volunteer for a beta read in the middle of my revisions… Them: Sapphic Appalachian gothic folk horror. Me: 😳….I…will not… Them: Mothman. Me: …Damn it.
I just said ”hey there cutie” to a passing dog and completely forgot that the human at the other end of the leash might think I was catcalling her. 😬 So when she glared I tried to clarify with, “oh no, I didn’t mean you.” And I’m pretty sure that didn’t help 😅 This is why I need supervision 😭
Go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud. It was the reply that got me 😂
Go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud.
The way I used to cut through these woods on the way home from elementary school by myself every day from like age 8, and is anyone surprised I turned out a witch? 🤣
Drove past the house I grew up in and they still have the oak porch swing up that my dad made by hand thirty years ago for my mother on their anniversary 🥺💜
I spent the longest time thinking this was a Dr. Who meme and trying to figure out which image was which Doctor 😅
they keep inventing new guys
Spending most of today making a kitchen more wheelchair accessible for a loved one, so if you have tips or tools for that I’d appreciate the help! We can’t do structural changes (rental) but I’m planning to move the most frequently used tools and dishes to lower cupboards and drawers, as a start.
If my WIP gets picked up as a series, one of its sequels has my favorite first line of anything I’ve ever written. “I sat at the VIP table of the Salty Cat, draped in a wilted rainbow boa and questioning my life choices as a dancer removed my mother’s thong underwear with her teeth.”
Just saw some extremely bad writing advice, so: You're a writer if you're not writing right now. You're a writer if you write 1 short story a year. You're a writer if you take breaks. You're a writer if you're still working on *that* story or poem. There's no *one* way. This isn't Highlander.
The thing my mother has learned today is that if you order large furniture from Amazon instead of a furniture store, it gets delivered in a 400 pound box on a pallet to your driveway, with no warning, whether or not you have a way to get it inside, and regardless of the weather. 🤣☠️
This. It means be willing to cut a scene or bit you love *when doing so makes the overall story better.* Not just for the sake of destruction.
"Kill your darlings" only applies if you're holding onto something that actually hurts your story. But jerks sometimes use "kill your darlings" as a weapon to try to break you. Don't wantonly kill what you love the most about your story. That's why you're writing it. Make it work.
Just made a starter pack of cat accounts that post original photos with ALT text. Let me know if you know of some that should be added! Must be primarily ORIGINAL photos/content, not stuff yoinked from the internet, and include meaningful ALT text (not just "photo of a cat").
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Have you heard the phrase “ass over teakettle” referring to someone taking a tumble, and where are you from? Someone tried to convince me this was a really weird thing that nobody says besides my brother and I 😅
Gotta be careful grabbing a protein shake out of my mom’s fridge because some of them look like vanilla but are actually root beer flavor and I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life.
My mom has this Pallas cat stuffie and it’s the most ridiculous grumpyfloof I’ve ever seen and also I luv himb 😭🤣
My aunt has a dog statue on her porch that she dresses up for holidays. This is his Pride look! 💜💜💜
This is why I would be the first to 💀in a horror movie. Staying all alone in a relative's house, in a basement bedroom. It's late. I'm drifting off to sleep. There's a big crash upstairs. And, like I haven't been watching slasher flicks since | was five, I GO INVESTIGATE. 🤦🏼
Hey you, yeah you. Use the mobility aid. You don't have to suffer to prove your worthy. Just do it. You are worthy right now.
Big fan of the new maintenance staff at Reagan airport. But even though he’s a literal expert in flying, I’m sure his pay is pretty crumby.
The ADHD curse/superpower of “How hard could it be?” grants us fearless enthusiasm to accomplish things we might not have even dared try. But the downside is suddenly realizing, as you stare at the lawnmower engine you just completely disassembled, you don’t *actually* know how to fix a lawmower 😅
An important thread on how laws like this ultimately do more harm than good.
Reminder: whatever you think of teenagers' use of social media (and the reality is a lot different than most people believe), it is impossible for a site to treat teenagers differently than adults without deanonymizing and identifying every single visitor to the site, including adults
It was a butter knife and that packet is really hard to get open sometimes okay!? 🤣
Homemade stove top vanilla pudding for a cozy snack. 2 cups milk (or sub 1/2 cup w/heavy cream) 1/3 cup cornstarch 1/3 cup sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 egg yolk (optional) Whisk everything together, then stir over medium heat, scraping the bottom of the pot as you stir, until thickened. Chill. 🍜
Love this approach we’re taking at ABLA to get a second chance at your incredible work. (Or a first chance if you’re not sure which of us to target with your submission!) #amquerying
📣GREAT NEWS! We know it's hard to decide which agent to query, so we're excited to introduce ABLA'S SECOND CHANCE INBOX. Every ABLA agent has access to the Second Chance Inbox, and we'll go through it regularly to discover new material! New submission guidelines: