Justice is the foundation of peace and equality. On World Day for International Justice, let's stand together for human rights and fairness. #InternationalJusticeDay #JusticeForAll #HumanRights #JusticeMatters
We will not let America ever fall into trump's filthy fascist hands again. We're better than trump+the GOP. Democracy is a gift over a million soldiers have died to protect. I registered 1000 high school seniors in CA before Covid hit. They nearly all selected Dem or Independent for their party.
Yep 😣 Why do they wear masks when they're so against them❓️‼️
If Biden's within two points in a poll, that poll shows this as essentially an even race, folks. And the trend, so far, isn't actually against him. An incumbent with a huge $ advantage in an essentially even race is the smart bet. Nows the time to get to work, not give up.
Good! Perhaps he needs to eat the plate he was serving.
I'm speechless. 😪
Her eye shadow must have impressed God. Family is best friends with the Dugar family. Tells me all I need to know. 🤮
Watching Ben Carson's predictably sleepy speech, I was reminded that he has this painting of himself and Jesus hanging in his own house
An examination of more than 1,200 federal judges and state supreme court justices turned up dozens of judges who chose not to recuse when facing potential appearances of impropriety involving familial financial connections.
Even When Big Cases Intersect With Their Families’ Interests, Many Judges Choose Not to Ambiguous — and unenforced — recusal standards mean few checks and balances for top judges when cases involve their family members.
Client retention won't matter when they have none.
those with the least knowledge and least talent are the ones who often speak the loudest and the most #donaldtrump #trumpquotes #narcissist #fraud #conman #grifter #worstpresidentever
You’re right. They’re already working as long as they find an opportunity, no matter how hard the job is. Including being aides in nursing homes. These Republicans need to stop and think about what they’re doing. The law of unintended consequences is going to hit them in the face.
The RNC says they are the unifying party... Yeah the unifying lying, stealing, misogynists.
Say you're ready to make a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT and will be joined by VP Harris. Brag about all the bridges your infrastructure law has built for 10 minutes and then say the announcement is you're denying Trump security briefings because he's a convicted felon.
He should convince the media that he’s hiding secret messages about resigning into every speech, but only if you closely examine every word
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record high Tuesday, rallying 743 points for its biggest one-day increase in a year. Didn't Trump say markets would crash if Biden got elected? Well, my investments are looking great!!!
It was a strange road rage scenario. Driving with 3 friends in car and guy on bike in front didn't move at the light. After honking 1x, he got out and tried to punch me as my window was halfway. He noticed my city sticker, and said oh, your from such town and called us f kikes. Racism is visceral
JD Vance, the bearded Pence.
Jay Dee deleted this from his ol’ website, apparently. It’d be a shame to re-up it to the interwebs, no?
People always act like abuse is complicated and it is not. It is very often just “I do whatever I want and I do whatever I have to to keep that going, whether that means sweet talking people or bullying them or physically harming them.”
This may be an imperfect analogy, but I think one of the most important points in "Why Does He Do That?" is that abusers benefit from the abuse. Of course taking what you want with no consequences is appealing if you don't care who gets hurt!
I've visited Dachau. I expected ghosts, but it was so sterile, and that was worse. That's what the Nazis wanted, and that's what Trump and his cohorts want. And that's why we have to stop then. My clearest memories: a photo of a man's face exhausted by pain, and the stones of the yard.
I don't know what Biden (or anyone) means when he says that Americans should unite. If it's "unite to bring our country back to a functioning democracy", ok, sure. If it's "unite in wishing Trump well", oh hell no. I wish him ill and I dream of pissing on his grave.
😁 Seems like a perfect solution to me. While attempting to pull off the largest heist in Americans' history and democracy as we know it, let's beat them at their own game. Gotcha. Careful what you wish for!
Is rather he pulls a "Comey" and just rids them of their job using his newfound power in official acts.