John Murphy

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John Murphy

Artist - Painter - Illustrator, UK Comics Scene & Ringo-nominated Co-creator of the psychedelic space opera "Cosmic Debris"
Some pages just get a little extra love cause well why not, I'm still working on this bottom panel tonight
finishing out these few panels, been having a lot of fun with the middle big crowd panel
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Reposted byAvatar John Murphy
honestly hate that every time there's an industry bad actor, lists of "works by marginalized authors to support instead" start circulating like it's a moral obligation to be done out of guilt, & it's crickets every other day of the year. my art is not to be taken in as a reactionary measure
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#WritingCommunity Don't hate yourself because your story doesn't sound like the stories of an author you admire. Instead just have confidence that your story will be written in the style that's unique to you.
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touch grass 🍃
Reposted byAvatar John Murphy
If you really want your life to flash by quickly, draw comic books for a living.
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Getting through the sketch stage and dialing in a these panels today, got a lot of figures to draw here
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Hey everyone, I'm looking to line up a little more lettering work, so if you're after a letterer, or know someone who is, drop me a line! Shares massively appreciated! #comicbookart #comicbooks
Getting through the sketch stage and dialing in a these panels today, got a lot of figures to draw here
Reposted byAvatar John Murphy
one more page to dial in after this
Reposted byAvatar John Murphy
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
one more page to dial in after this
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Now that Absolute Power is on the ballot this election, ask yourself this: Which candidate would you rather see wielding it? Because THAT’S what your vote will decide. #VoteBlue
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You heard it here first folks. When engineers say what the radius of a highway curve should be, that’s communism. Public health rules for safe drinking water? Communism.
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Whenever I start thinking about this I get more angry. The NYT looked at a boring old guy and a rapist and convicted felon and decided that boring was a worse crime than actual rape. I mean just think about that. It’s enraging. I get more angry every second.
You can say Trump is a rapist because by definition he is. His supporters are fine with rape. That makes them shitty people. They can’t deny it. They’re cool with raping. Evil. The fact every headline about Trump doesn’t say “Rapist Donald Trump” is the media complicit in whitewashing a rapist.
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Swamp Thing by Charles Vess.
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IDK why but I felt like sharing some really old #art I did back in like 2010 for a comic that never ended up going anywhere. I was definitely not afraid of brighter colors back in the day. 😊
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Figuring out my shorthand again cause lmao, its been a while since i /drew/ #arcane #vi #leagueoflegends #art
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Comic art from my collection. Which is sadly still relevant. Ramona Fradon
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Thanks for the #artshare! Hi! I'm Mateus, and I work on comics and other cartoony things.
hey, june is almost over! (when did that happen 😵‍💫) how about a little weekend artshare? 🔁Repost this 🌿Introduce yourself and post your art down below! 🌿Interact with and share others' posts 💕 🌿Keep it SFW ❌No AI/NFT I'll share as many as I can throughout the weekend! #artshare #artistsupport
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Reposted byAvatar John Murphy
Our first stretch goal is to commission to create brand new pieces of interior art for each of our six stories - we are almost 80% of the way there! Back Beating Hearts and Battle-Axes here:
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Reposted byAvatar John Murphy
Reposted byAvatar John Murphy
“Greaser: Gemini Blues, from (Robertson & Jones) launches the first chapter of what promises to be a fascinating, action-packed dystopian epic filled with strong characters (both human and alien) and big ideas. Check it out!” - (Spider-Man, Justice League, The DeMultiverse)