
Sotomayor could give a great statement on the way out the door -- and remain a vital public voice after she's replaced. Or she could risk losing the seat to the people she has scorn for.
This seems like a good day for Sotomayor and/or Kagan to say "I can no longer work with colleagues who are using their positions of power to undermine the greatest constitutional republic the world has ever known. I am resigning now so that the President can find someone else who can stomach this."
Sure, but it might be important to find where Manchin and Sinema are at before doing so, because they both seem rather detached from reality it's not clear what they would do
Yep. Manchinema would never vote for this. Neither would Romney, murakowski or Collins so we’d get no help from them either. I’d be shocked if Durbin would have the stones to even hold hearings
Its too late. The senate won’t have time to confirm. Manchin will ruin it anyway.
I would have more sympathy for that than any tactical talk.
Not sure replacements would be confirmed, but I think they could offer conditional resignations? Forcing the issue with confirmation hearings could make abstract issues simple and concrete for voters. A stark difference, an important choice to be made.