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MA Env Policy Energy & Sustainability. Climate Hawk. YIMBY.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
Solve your housing affordability crisis with this one weird trick
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
We need more, but credit where due: both The Nation (June 2024 issue) and Boston Review have run a breakdown of the Project 2025 “Mandate for Leadership” document. Media Matters, too. Lots of good work going on digesting this.
Where are the columnists who are experts in specific fields, breaking down what the Heritage Foundation + Trump want to do to each individual federal agency? E.g. I read the section dedicated to our intelligence agencies, and had to stop, since I was starting to feel a little nauseous.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
Not a perfect comparison, and I’ve deliberately omitted the period when pandemic composition effects distorted the numbers. But 14 years of Conservative rule have been associated with stagnant real wages and severe deterioration of public services. This was a well-earned rout
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Here’s how the Supreme Court's decision to end the "Chevron doctrine" and expand judicial review of administrative agency decisions could affect climate regulation:
A Seismic Supreme Court Here’s how the end of the Chevron doctrine could affect climate regulation.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
I’m not saying the paper of record is trying to hound the president from office out of a fit of pique because he won’t sit down for an interview, but if it were, how different would things look?
NYT blasts Biden for avoiding The Times in a statement called it “troubling” that Biden “has so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term.”
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
Folks with terribly unpopular, & terrible, ideas want you to believe everyone is with them. They are not. 3 years ago a US Climate Corps, electric school & transit buses, & green infrastructure investments that cool down cities were just ideas. Now they’re real. With hard work, we can have hope. 🇺🇸
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
Write postcards. Give money to swing state campaigns.
Knocking on doors is the best, but that's pretty useless for people who live in solid blue states, unless we're able and willing to leave the state for such campaigns. But our financial contributions, especially this early in the campaign, help to open and staff campaign offices.
Postcards to Swing States FAQ - Progressive Turnout Postcards to Swing States F.A.Q. ← Back to Postcards home If the following Frequently Asked Questions don’t answer your question, just email us at [email protected]! Why send postcards to voter...
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
this entire crusade against diversity in hiring and admissions is based on the supposition that all white men are necessarily more qualified than any nonwhite person or woman who might be considered for the job. like, this lawsuit more or less states that outright.
Lawsuit: Northwestern’s law school is biased against White men in The lawsuit, filed by a prominent attorney, alleges the university’s law school gives hiring preference to women and people of color.
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Reposted byAvatar Kevin
It hasn’t received as much attention, but a Supreme Court ruling last week basically break the process by which the federal government responds to public comments in *any* process — which means it will take *longer* to permit new clean energy or new infrastructure.
The Supreme Court Is Slowly Breaking the Four rulings from the past week will weigh heavily on future climate regulation.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
Right-wing legal talking heads are focusing on arguing that it is RIDICULOUS to say that a second-term Trump will be empowered by immunity to do horrific things, while carefully preparing to argue in seven months that it is RIGHT that Trump do horrific things which aren’t actually horrific anyway.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
The institutions of US democracy are hanging by a thread, and the Supreme Court just frayed it. I cannot emphasize this enough: the 2024 election is effectively an up-or-down vote on Constitutional democracy. All else is secondary, because democracy and rule of law are how we address other issues.
The Institutions of American Democracy are Hanging by a Trump has brought the United States further down the path of democratic backsliding than many realize. The election is the only barrier left.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
McNuggets come in packs of 20. So could Supreme Court Justices
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
Hey remember when I said it was a mistake to continue posting on a platform this guy owns and validating its existence? Vichy Twiter is a Nazi run propaganda engine.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
New pod: Andrew Weissmann makes a powerful, disturbing case that Trump's threats to pardon 1/6ers and prosecute his enemies mean that if he wins, our justice system could become unrecognizable. "We certainly won't be the country we thought we had." Listen:
Trump’s Ugly New Rants About Jan. 6 Pardons Suddenly Seem Very With Trump escalating his threats to pardon MAGA supporters who attacked the Capitol, former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann explains how this shows the rule of law is in deep peril.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
When people claim no leftists want Trump to win, the leftist quoted here saying that a Biden presidency is "way more dangerous" than a Trump presidency, and pushing absurd, Trump-normalizing BS that Trump's 1st term was "standard," is what people saying some leftists want Trump to win have in mind.
There it is: A position completely untethered from empirical evidence, as ridiculous analytically as it is dangerous politically, propagated by anti-liberal leftwing intellectuals who are solely animated by their disdain for “the Libs” and have abandoned any regard for accuracy.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
This is also a useful reminder that Trump had multiple moments of incoherence that matched Biden.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
It’s weirdly reassuring that Black Twitter-style virality is still possible with the actual Twitter made deliberately as hostile to Black users as it’s ever been
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
It's an extension of the larger assumptions in our political media -- Democrats are the only ones with any agency or morality, while the awfulness of Republicans is taken as a fixed constant.
been trying to place the the cognitive dissonance I feel with “to serve his country, Biden should step aside” and I think it’s that no one would ever suggest that Trump should do something that puts the country first
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
The US will set a 2035 emissions target under the Paris Agreement next year. That will create additional investment, policy incentives, and urgency to get to zero emissions faster. Kids & vulnerable folks will breathe healthier air & not get sick because of air pollution. All of that is at risk.
And BY THE WAY, the next Administration will need to set emissions reductions commitments under the Paris Agreement for 2035. Biden already has a 50-52% reduction target by 2030 & a net-zero by 2050 target. But the 2035 target sets the trajectory. Pull out of Paris & that goes away & dooms net-zero.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
swing voters and undecided voters basically by definition think about and engage with politics differently than anyone on this site, anyone who writes for the ny times, and the vast majority of the times’ subscribers. otherwise they wouldn’t be undecided/swing voters.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
The "Drop out Biden" discourse is especially braindead because none of the people pushing it even think he's not capable of doing the job. They just think he's not capable of *winning*, a judgment they have rushed to without even bothering to wait a week for polls to come in
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
on the very day the Supreme Court's conservatives said 'we know best' and put themselves in charge of complicated agency decisions one of the geniuses confused nitrous oxide and nitrogen oxide. So they had to have a do over. Not exactly an auspicious start.
Supreme Court Corrects EPA Opinion After Gorsuch Confuses Laughing Gas With Air The error came in an opinion blocking an EPA policy meant to improve air pollution.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
Sometimes it feels like nothing is changing: as if we’re climbing the tallest mountain in the world, and the summit is no closer than when we started. But if we stop for a minute and turn around and look back, we can see how far we’ve actually come. Progress is happening, step by step.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
The Supreme Court just blew up four decades of precedent today, in a decision that will make it harder for executive agencies to protect the environment, public health, worker safety and more.
Supreme Court guts agency power in seismic Chevron The ruling on the doctrine will weaken the impact of statues for a wide array policy areas.
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
having fear is understandable. manifesting that fear into reality is a mistake.
as much as i think that debate was bad for biden i also find myself contemptuous of the assorted libs having a full blown panic attack
Reposted byAvatar Kevin
SCOTUS Power grabs Major Questions Doctrine: If it's a Big Deal, the Court gets extra power, and what's a Big Deal is up to the Court Civil Rights Act: Renewal was Constitutional before, but Justices feel like the law isn't helpful now Chevron: Experts can't make expert decisions, only judges can