
This seems like a good day for Sotomayor and/or Kagan to say "I can no longer work with colleagues who are using their positions of power to undermine the greatest constitutional republic the world has ever known. I am resigning now so that the President can find someone else who can stomach this."
Thing is, now is a good time for one or both of them to retire anyway and be replaced by someone far younger while Dems have the votes. And today calls for a bigger reaction than “I dissent.”
Manchinema would never allow it
Biden should simply have the AG threaten to indict them if they don't vote for his nominee. That's cool now, apparently.
Biden should simply have the Air Force drone strike their family if they don't vote for his nominee. That's cool now, apparently.
That idea puts too much faith in Sinemanchin.
With Menendez at trial, Democrats are effectively down one senator. Manchin has already said he would not vote for any judicial nominee that didn't also have one Republican vote. In other words, Democrats could not confirm replacements on a party-line vote.
I like the idea, but there is no way their replacements would be seated before the election... if the recent past is any indication
I disagree. A Democratic Senate would make that happen very quickly.
In theory. need Manchin? Sinema? Some unnamed conservative Democrat? I don't trust them. Sorry!
Trust would be great but the alternative would be need them to legitimately fear you'll order them taken to Guantanamo if they fail to act.
Also, why do Dems keep insisting that WE resign when the other side shows how evil they are?
Remember when Obama didn’t get to appoint a justice “because it was too close to an election”?
Yes. There was a Republican Senate.
yeah, no take the next couple of days off, head to the woods or the mountains or whatever by yourself, and have a long think 'cause clearly you haven't thought this through
I think they should make public statements but not that public statement.
I think the current career path is to stay on through multiple bouts of cancer so that you can have bumper stickers made of you.
Can any mortal walk away from that kind of clout? Better to just cry through it. Heh.
There is not enough time before the election to get a confirmation
Ginsburg died in mid September of 2020
And there will be a lame duck session. I go back and forth between thinking that people not believing that a Dem president and a Dem majority Senate could get a confirmation is weird - and thinking that of course non-experts aren't going to realize which normal stuff no longer applies.
Replacing a justice who has suddenly passed away is different from replacing a justice who has calculatedly retired to keep the seat in the hands of her party. In other words, if you're going to pull clever bullshit like that, you better be 100% positive it's going to work.
Nope, we need every ally in office right now.
It would be a GREAT time to find the 6 judges' vehicles and shit on them.