
Things Biden could do that would take attention away from the debate and his age: (1) Call for expanding the Supreme Court (2) Announce that he's ending or strictly conditioning military aid to Israel until the war in Gaza ends
instead he's announced that's he's gonna start following a schedule in which he goes to sleep at 8:30pm, which coincidentally is the sort of schedule my own grandpa kept right before he died
On the other hand, did your grandpa's events usually involve a couple of motorcades and a flight to get home afterwards? (Cf.; this is, of course, yet another reason the capital shouldn't be in DC but instead, somewhere like Hartville, Missouri.)
and a scheduled event that starts after 8 with a plane ride after is not very much like a scheduled event that starts at 8 and then you go home.
(3) Call for ending federal marijuana prohibition
so you want him to lose by more?
Good point, everyone loves the supreme court, and their assorted yachts and flags
SCOTUS itself is unpopular but packing the court is a deeply partisan thing that turns off normie/indie voters in droves. For a President sitting at -20% approval I can think of few things that would be dumber than that.
if you honestly think that "normie/indie" voters are going to swing right on being mean to SCOTUS, I think you can think of quite a lot of dumb things.
yes there's no historical precedent for FDR attempting this and it backfiring spectacularly. But then again he was no Joe Biden.
FDR threatened to pack the courts, and it worked, they backed off.
Cutting off aggressive weapons to Israel is overwhelmingly popular with Dem (~80%) and independent voters. Not to mention that it would be legal and even required under US laws, Leahy (human rights) and Foreign Assistance Act, per Senator Sanders et al.