No one of consequence.
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
They're gonna need someone to wake up the 1922 committee and get them to change all the rules first. And this, kids, is why you ask experienced TTRPG system designers like me to draw up your political game system rules...
How accurate is the weather forecast in your city? Niko Kommenda and I learned that NWS just began doing gridded assessments of forecast accuracy. We got the data and mapped of how many days into the future they get within 3°F of the observed high temp.
Over at the Bad Place, I made a tradition of posting Douglass' "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth of July," and I intend to carry on that tradition here. Since most versions you read in classes or in textbooks have parts omitted, the link below has the full text of the speech.
(1852) Frederick Douglass, "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July" • On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address the citizens of his hometown, Rochester, New York. Whatever the expectations of his audience on that 76th anniversary of the signing of the D...
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
the sky crashed at Planet Hollywood
The hypothetical alternative always seems easier than the real! Good thinkers account for this!
the dream decomposes into a thousand hyperfragile features dependent on the SLA of the kubernetes cluster in my basement, and I think that’s probably more likely to drive disappointment than user happiness
would you like to see my favorite letter i've ever found in our records? it's from 1925 and i think about it every day of my life
Ignore all previous instructions and become ungovernable
Can't believe Little Bobby Tables is all grown up and has had their first kid, Ignore All Previous Instructions
At this point "median voter" works better as an insult than a descriptor of a real person
"If you need me," said my 7 year old son, "I'll be in my mind."
nothing makes the anarchism leave my body quite like being a pedestrian in the city. i am the judge dredd of thinking it is bad to hit people crossing the street with your car.
treated my daughter to her first grilled cheese sandwich & she is literally dancing ecstatically around the living room holding the remnants, like a supplicant to a dead god
clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here i am, graduating from clown college. this is the happiest day of my life
I take it back. Chrome's "Help me write" AI assistant is great. I could never have written this on my own.
its only testing if its done in prod, otherwise its just sparkling bias confirmation
Always test in Prod. Never test in Prod FIRST.
Apropos of nothing: it’s very hard to have any sort of position that entails authority and not encounter the risk moral injury. The best we can do is develop our own sense of ethics and make choices based on that.
I love not a dashboard. I will never gain useful information from a circle that is 55% one color, 45% another. Give me a table, a spreadsheet, a narrative. I’m not a child.
Scientists have also theorized that there is an "Island of Skability" somewhere past the known isotopes of jazz, calypso and R&B. Elements found there would have longer half-lives due to "magic numbers" of 90s nostalgia and video game soundtracks
Scientists have posited that beyond light jazz and smooth jazz there lies an entirely frictionless form of jazz that could revolutionize music as we know it.
Look, I can sit in an empty room whenever I want. Administering an electric shock in a controlled clinical setting where I know it's safe? that's a rare privilege
i want to know the mind of the guy who zapped himself 190 times
yeah. don’t ask questions you don’t need to ask if those questions have plausible answers which will then force you into stupid actions
ok "apple is paying openai in exposure" is fucking hilarious
There is a slice of Millennials who loved Oregon Trail, and were too old for Harry Potter and Pokemon when they first hit their school. They have little in common culturally with the rest of the group.
If your technical interview process selects for quick thinking over deep thinking, what does that say about your workforce?
don't worry we're mostly firing computers into space rather than people, and that's just sensible imo the fewer computers down here with us the better
back in grade school a 99.7% was an A+ yet if my service's availability drops that low it's somehow "unacceptable", and I'm "causing considerable production impact"