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Community Worker, Tomato Grower, and Ageing Hippy/Biker. Works for Community Glue CIC (supporting local groups and individuals in #Oxford, UK) and part-time as an academic (social work, social care). Politcs left, green and collectivist but non-sectarian
Have America's effective laws against fast-talking fraudsters displaced them from business to politics?
What, like rayeeayne on your wedding day?
It that a really ratty Ferrari?
I can't do the jingle on here, but I can remember it!
Reposted byAvatar JonGlue
I've got a depressing feeling the same might be true of European political polarisation in the 30s. I'm personally getting new insight into how the British navy could've been supporting fascist soldiers in S & W Spain while the FO & Ministers were on a concerted anti-Franco diplomatic mission.
Reposted byAvatar JonGlue
It was a beautiful start to the day here in Glastonbury today. Taken on the Tor this morning at 5.05am.
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March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
This thread from my Mastodon account talks about the corrosive effects of policies that promote home ownership in the UK. In the last 15 years, the gap between renters and home owners has shifter from renters paying twice to *four times* as much.
🧵 This Resolution Foundation graph comparing housing costs for renters and owner-occupiers again shows growing inequality under the ConDem and Conservative governments of the last 15 years. TBF it was widening under New Labour before that, too. This is important for many reasons 1/3 #UKPolicyCharts
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Gemini doesn't get caught in that crazy "ohio" snare like ChatGPT.
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This latest in my #UKPolicyCharts series comes from The Health Foundation in 2022, and shows health inequality against neighbourhood deprivation 🧵 […] [Original post on]#UKPolicyCharts series comes from The Health Foundation in 2022, and shows health inequality against neighbourhood deprivation 🧵 […] [Original post on]
There's a view that losing the election could be OK, because his presidential term lasts 'til 2027. So if the far right did get in he would be able to moderate their policies, and after 3 years of ineffective government the tide would turn against them. Not saying I agree ...
Bridged from my account on Mastodon. Well done #Fediverse!
🧵 There have been some interesting #UKPolicyCharts in the run-up to the General Election here on 4th July. This one published in @FT is particularly telling. Source: (paywall)
There are also sizes for typesetters/designers/graphic artists in the same ratio that allow for cropping and crop marks. SRA0, SRA1 etc.
Same here. Memory functions, but not on demand!
Looks great. What spirits did you use?
Reposted byAvatar JonGlue
“Die Schlange” (5/8) 🐍
Great to find you on here, Anne. For years your work on sex and gender was a part of my 'Human Growth & Development' module.
... but not forgotten!
Looks great! What's the large deep fried and crumbed thing in the middle, criss-crossed with Sriracha?
Reposted byAvatar JonGlue
My favourite little vixen earlier this week amidst bluebells🦊🐾✨
Thanks! I just ate it and it wasn't bad at all ...
Just posted this
Rhubarb from our allotment, made into crumble. 🍽️In the UK, rhubarb is the earliest fruit in spring. The 'cream' is from a well-known manufacturer of oat milk, which now makes the equivalent of single and double cream. They claim the double can be whipped. This experiment proves it!
Rhubarb from our allotment, made into crumble. 🍽️In the UK, rhubarb is the earliest fruit in spring. The 'cream' is from a well-known manufacturer of oat milk, which now makes the equivalent of single and double cream. They claim the double can be whipped. This experiment proves it!
I used to decry the Brits for not taking to the streets. Now I have a sneaking suspicion the better-funded right-wing militias who are useful idiots for right-wing regimes elsewhere would kill us all. So, let's take over the institutions of state instead.
Oxford is worth a visit, with or without@[email protected] If you were here this morning, you May know that already ;-)