
This may be the most unhinged comic page I’ve ever read and that’s saying something considering Archie Sonic comics exist lol A lot of people are speculating that this was Tom King (former CIA) prob working out former traumas on the page and… if so, wow. Just wow that’s so specific if true wow lol
Okay, once is one thing -- but twice?!? LOL
He did it in Strange Adventures as well.
... just put him on Deathstroke.
It'd be more honest and genuine within its genre, without going creepy with Wonder Woman. And if not for Kelly Thompson killing it on Birds of Prey, seeing him handle a more thoughtful version of Dixon's time on the title has real potential. (To be fair all I like from him is his Batman run)
Somebody just missed the taste of Rat
somebody needs to do a wellness check on this man cuz…sheesh
Tom King's favorite scene in Demolition Man:
I'm just confused how Diana could get in these situations. Like, she has super strength, is nigh-invulnerable, can fly, and has minor magic capabilities. Her only weakness is bondage.
I’m wondering if the Amazons themselves did it or if she got captured by a villain (it has happened!) which would explain it. I haven’t read the issue so I have no context but also yeah, you’re not wrong
actually. thinking about various things, i wonder if the rat is a metaphor for *another* kind of experience that he can't seem to resolve in his mind with the person who he understands himself to be
Multiple people looked at that and thought "yes. Yes, this is good enough to publish."
not only is the writing deeply questionable in quality, that is possibly the single most boring and awkward way to draw that.
I, too, squish my boobs up to my chin when having a lot of emotions
For when you don’t have a shoulder to cry on.
This run of Power girl was fun but this bit was dumb. The writers should just have her admit she has the boob window cause she likes having a boob window. It isn't hard, writing these "deep" reasons makes it come off as more shallow than if there was no reason given.
“This cutout? It’s just a bit of cleavage. I like the way it looks and it’s not like the girls aren’t locked in place. It’s all fashion anyway, it’s not like I need anything to ‘protect’ my chest.”
The artist is working so hard to have closeups of both the face and the boobs in each panel. Should have split the page into 6 panels so it could be 3 each.
I always thought this was a joke wth 😂😂😂
Why does she look cross eyed drunk in the first panel
Out of context her holding a tray of fresh dinner rolls to her chest
That sort of story works better here:
He did it in Strange Adventures as well.
This man really wants to eat a live rat again
"Tom King probably has some heinous stuff under his belt from his time overseas in the CIA" is a thought I take away from more than one of his books. (I do enjoy them overall but yeah knowing his background does add some "HMMM" subtext to them)
He definitely spends a lot of time working out daddy issues and whatever horrific shit he saw over there. Which … sometimes is fascinating, and sometimes is an absolute fucking mess.
I'd never read this before I'm now living a life where I have read this
Don’t look at me, Paul, I didn’t draw or write it lmao
Superman: My mom's name is Martha. Batman: Hey, mine too! Wonder Woman: I ate a live rat. Superman: ... Batman: ... Wonder Woman: I enjoyed it.
"So, an eight-issue arc of Wonder Woman imprisoned and tortured in hopes of breaking her spirit. Is that how you did it at Abu Ghraib, Tommy?"
(Also the entire arc has self-justifying first-person narration by the villain, who is the hereditary Secret King of America, who wields the Lasso of Lies and whose master plan involves whipping up a panic over Amazon immigrants, so... yeah, I reckon TK might be working out some stuff.)
I'm glad he thinks things are bad but also if he wants to confess maybe not on the clock?
I kind of like his stuff, taken on its own merits: It's got some of the psychedelic paranoia of Frank Miller back when he was good -- a lot of it reminds me of ELEKTRA: ASSASSIN, actually -- but boy, it's hard to separate the artist from the art.
I've said, i sure hope he's guilty of stolen valor
I was being flippant -- I very much doubt he personally tortured anyone, but he knew what was going down, and he quit, and now he writes superhero comic with the constant recurring theme "The US security apparatus is deeply fucked-up."
Why is Wonder Woman so like actually impossible for people to write? She's a proud amazonian woman with ties to the modern world but often still learning how to fit in without losing her identity. Why do so many writers write her as a crazy lunatic? And like, in so many different ways? XD
Well, because alot of writers try to write her as their interpretation of an ideal woman instead of an actual person. In King’s case, it’s because the dude is using superheroes as his therapy.
I think a lot of "Big Name" writers approach Wonder Woman as a character who needs to be "fixed" in order to cater to their existing audience rather than polishing what she already has...
The real reason DC reboots their universe every few years is because their writers keep putting weird baggage like this on their major characters and they desperately need to bury it.
They’re going to have to turn up the reboot to 11 to flush out that swill.