
It’s been really remarkable how incurious a lot of the Whitmer/Newsom/[someone other than Harris] takes have been regarding things like “what are the mechanics of nominating X?” or “does Y inherit Biden’s war chest?” from people ostensibly paid to be savvy enough to know the answers
A reason a handoff to Harris makes more sense than an open convention is the delegates were not selected with any intention of ensuring they represent party groups and interests. Maybe in a future cycle but not now. Do people calling for an open convention even know anything about the delegates?
Your explanation for how your preferred replacement candidate gets from your imagination to the White House needs to be better than “everyone will read my column and be persuaded”
Underpants gnomes: 1. Biden drops out. 2. ??? 3. Victory!
It doesn’t need to be better than that though. Look at how successful Bret Stephens is with takes like “I know what candidates will do better and that’s basically all that matters.”
Perfect contrast of styles Bouie: Let’s think carefully through things that will happen in the real world, and take uncertainty seriously. Does it still seem like such a sure bet now? Stephens: I know which candidates will do better than Biden so we don’t have to think about all that other stuff
They’re not paid to know the answers they’re paid to get the clicks, baby!
"clicks" is the answer. These people don't care about democracy, Democrats or America. There is money to be made.