
I have twice seen accellerationism on my feed advocated for by ostensible leftists and I feel like it needs saying: Accellerationism is one of the single most evil, cancerous schools of thought to mutate simultaneously out of the extremes of political thought. It is absolutely vile right through.
If your theory boils down to “everything is terrible so we need to speed up the rate at which shit is collapsing—and encourage that collapse as fast as we can—on the **chance** of something better replacing it,” then I cannot say this emphatically enough: You are a fucking asshole.
You have to be a special sort of fucked in the head to look at all the vulnerable people who are dependent-to-live on the functional structures of modern society and say “yes but my long term forecasting says that these people are actually better off dead so I can have an impossible utopia.”
This is getting some eyes on it so I’m going to recommend something: go talk to one of your neighbors in the next few days. Build relationships with the people who live near you. If they’re good people, you will have gained a friend, and if they turn out to be awful, you now know who to avoid.
People unironically stan the actual Lenin on this internet. Lenin! Not as a historically important thinker and political strategist, but, like, as a role model!
My personal favorites are the folks who know that Mao killed all the landlords and literally nothing else about China
John Lennon was not the most politically sophisticated cat who ever lived but even he knew that rooting for Mao was cringe. Fifty-odd years ago.
He literally rhymes with "you ain't gonna make with anyone anyhow".
We got folks uncritically repeating Hamas talking points who also think what the CCP has done to the Uighurs is all made up.
What's funny is that over half of them rely on medication that would suddenly become very hard to find if society did actually implode.
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“While prior studies have focused on partisan motivations, we demonstrate that some individuals… wish to unleash chaos to “burn down” the entire political order in the hope they gain status in the process… we theorize and measure a novel psychological state, the Need for Chaos…”
I keep saying this too. These stupid mfs don't even realize that all it does is cause us to fight for a return to the shitty status quo we hated in the first place! Just because its better than a fash dictatorship. And then we are right back here on the precipice again, still nowhere near our goal
"accellerationism" is a nice pose for rich kids/nepo-babies who assume "daddy's money/connections" will protect them from The Event.
The argument used on me yesterday was "If we vote for Biden, we'll just be trapped in this endless cycle" Yes, every four years Roe is overturned and SCOTUS rules that it's legal for Republicans to break laws. It's a cycle
yeah that endless cycle of a peaceful transition of power.
But it sounds so cool tho! Magically, all the evils will somehow skip over me, and voila... the ends justify the means! Crap like this makes me believe that the horseshoe theory of politics might be a least a little bit accurate.
it also assumes that the author of said school is bulletproof instead of first against the wall
it's also absurd because the actual accelerationist position is to advance neoliberalism, not fascism. if the idea is to accelerate the development of capitalism, then open borders and free trade is what you want.
Genocide Joe accelerated the deaths of over 13,000 Palestinian children
Resorting to whataboutism now? That's just pathetic.
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The right is armed to the teeth. Accelerationists are not prepared for what they advocate.
Yeah it's wrongly assuming things can't get worse. They can. Much worse.
Nothing else makes you cowards stand up and fight
Forgot the fun part where we get to do a civil war in hawaiian shirts
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Yeah, it even sounds nasty....what is it?