Joshua Holland

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Joshua Holland

Burned out political writer and podcast/radio talker.

I was a regular contributor to Rolling Stone and The Nation and a staff writer for Bill Moyers, among others.

Scuba diver and dog guy.
The political press has had the knives out for Biden since his election, when they dinged him for failing to heal the country as promised. But the feeding frenzy we’ve seen since his debate flop has been something else.
"National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act" signed on July 2, 2024 (this is not mentioned in the NYT reporting)
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Holland
I’m in Minnesota, where the local letters to the have the out-of-the-box thinking you can’t get in DC
No, the far-right has been making significant gains.
Looks like the left coalition held together and France dodged a fascist bullet. Some rare good news, although the trend remains troubling.
Jennifer Schulze tallied 192 stories about Biden's debate performance in the NYT over the 8 days that followed. Mayer is way too smart to not get that the quantity and emphasis of news coverage are editorial choices and this isn't some organic process of informing the public of what's happening.
Will Bunch found 6 references to Project 2025 in The Times over the same period.
I used to think that the Trumpified GOP's constant, unsubtle calls for political violence would only end with another Oklahoma City-type event but it's become pretty clear that they'd just claim that Tim McVeigh was an FBI plant and continue on unabashed.
And now the richest wingnut in the world, who owns a huge propaganda outlet, is calling for the death of everyone who opposes a messaging bill that codifies fascist disinformation about voting. I don’t know how this toothpaste ever gets put back in the tube.
The GOP’s nominee to run the 9th most populous state just called for killing people who disagree with the far-right and that sentiment was echoed by the head of Heritage and the man behind Project 2025. But like 90% of all political news is about Democratic hand-wringing over Biden’s debate flop.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Holland
Rare event! Competing heat domes in the Southeast and Southwest US crank out two huge all-time record highs. Palm Springs 124 and Raleigh=Durham 106 with a heat index of 118! Las Vegas is forecast to break their all-time high this weekend and even Death Valley may come close.
Incredible. And somehow they never seem to find space to mention the fact that he was infamous for his endless gaffes and flubs as a sort young senator.
Can someone tell me where NYT hid Trump's attempts to disown Heritage's fascist project? I mean, holy hell, that's the only reporting on Trump they do anymore?
Yeah, I’ve been pointing that out for years. Odd that the fact that he’s always been famously “gaffe prone” never seems to make it into the mountains of coverage of his flubs.
As president, I won’t offer an opinion as to whether jet fuel can melt steel or weigh in on the possibility that the Jews blew up the World Trade Center with thermite charges to start a conflagration in the Middle East because I’m a courageous free thinker.
The GOP’s nominee to run the 9th most populous state just called for killing people who disagree with the far-right and that sentiment was echoed by the head of Heritage and the man behind Project 2025. But like 90% of all political news is about Democratic hand-wringing over Biden’s debate flop.
And given the current polling and the conventional wisdom at present, staying in there undermines the (accurate) message that Trump poses an existential threat to American democracy.
I’m pretty sure that Biden could beat Trump. Seems unlikely that he can beat Trump, the legacy media and an increasingly large swath of the Dem donor class.
I’m pretty sure that Biden could beat Trump. Seems unlikely that he can beat Trump, the legacy media and an increasingly large swath of the Dem donor class.
It’s a smart piece if you understand it as affording them plausible deniability for running a call for fascism.
The NYT editors who greenlit a "Why I don't vote" essay (no link deserved) by a fascism-jealous theocrat to run on July 4th should be fired. That piece, which I immediately felt stupider for having read, made no useful points and only flaunted a privileged author's indifference from circumstances.
Trip was cut short cuz Hurricane Beryl is headed this way. But I had some really good dives, avoided reading news for a bit and am happy to get back to my dogs a coupla days early.
The boat next to the boat that I’m gonna spend the next week on just sank.
The boat next to the boat that I’m gonna spend the next week on just sank.
By not fact-checking in real time, that debate was in fact completely rigged against Biden but Dems haven’t spent years developing an all encompassing persecution narrative to break out any time something goes poorly.
The Democratic Party’s reaction to their candidate having a bad debate substantially outpaces the Republican Party’s reaction to their candidate being convicted of multiple felonies, held liable for rape, and owing judgments in the hundreds of millions for defamation and fraud.
It’s Peewee’s world and we’re just living in it.
I have to respect the rotund, middle-aged white gentleman sitting in first class with a t-shirt reading, “smoke fat doobies and smack fat booties.”
Seems to be a consensus that Biden’s doing poorly and the moderators are letting Trump spew absolutely ludicrous lies without any pushback whatsoever. Glad I’m not watching.
A bunch of well intentioned people on Xitter are trying to fact-check the debate (which appears to be an utter shitshow). Someone has to do it but I’m not sure it matters.
This is by design. The right’s been working these refs for weeks and CNN’s political director is a lightweight who’s obsessed with social media.
A bunch of well intentioned people on Xitter are trying to fact-check the debate (which appears to be an utter shitshow). Someone has to do it but I’m not sure it matters.
The moment I take out the suitcase the dogs get weird. They know the deal. Anyway, enjoy the post-debate punditry. I’m going scuba diving.
Reposted byAvatar Joshua Holland
Speaking of the 10 Commandments, people often think "taking the Lord's name in vain" means using curse words. But, ironically, what it really means is doing shit like this.
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters issued this memo today requiring teachers in all schools to keep a Bible in their classroom and teach from it as a historical document. (Via KOCO 5 News)