Jennifer Sherman Roberts

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Jennifer Sherman Roberts

Novelist. PhD in early modern lit. History of science fan. THE VILLAGE HEALER'S BOOK OF CURES (Lake Union 10/23). Rep'd by
Just saw the magnificent Born With Teeth at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival @osfashland Just two actors (playing Shakespeare and Marlowe), a wooden table, some stools, and a brilliant script. Stunning. Theater is magic.
I'm wondering if the New York Times is too old an institution to be reliable any more. 🤔
The New York Times Crisis of Confidence: badly shaken in the wake of bad editorial decisions, many are calling for the paper to resign.
Drain, Boring, and Bumpass Hell
What are the funniest location names near you? This question brought to you by Cape Disappointment and Deception Bay in Washington.
This is not an evergreen skeet 🌲 It is an ever tinder dry, flammable skeet. 🔥
Fellow west coast peeps, given how dry and hot it is, let’s skip fireworks, yeah? Pretty plz? #wildfireseason
it's time to bring this wonderful image (created by Anthony Michael Kreis) over to Bluesky
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
Facebook AI suggestions (at bottom) sort of missing the lede here
For the non-academics on my list, this means that bitonal images of (nearly) every book printed for the English market before 1800 is now available online, for free, on archive dot org. (Short thread w/history of this massive early twentieth-century undertaking.)
Well holy handgrenades, I lived to see the STC's microfilm go OA (NOT actually EEBO is my guess as to how they navigated those rights, but who knows, the access is what matters).
Wonderful reading tonight: Libby Gill's debut Malibu Summer is out! A terrific read with easy-to-love characters
When we say “tech guys need the humanities too” we’re not talking about diluting the pool of Linus Torvalds with underwater basket weavers, we’re talking about arming them with enough literacy to comprehend Sci-Fi in a way that doesn’t get them sued by Scarlett Johansson
Testing pretzels with my daughter, a newly minted college grad (the pretzel was not, thank goodness, newly minted! 😅)
1/ When you're 35 years into your research lane with French notarial documents, and suddenly you find yourself writing with Amanda Herbert about notarial records and taylorswift13 for Time's @madebyhistory
‘The Tortured Poets Department’ Stirs Up the Document Swifties are buying old French documents for mood-boards and more. But this trivializes the importance of the documents.
Some incredible tattoos in this 🧵!
It's #WorldTattooDay, so let's take a look at the tats on some of our ink-redible Bodleian colleagues! Medieval project cataloguer Dr Alison Ray has this fiery phoenix on the pyre. Here it is alongside a 13th c. Bestiary
Any ideas, hive mind?
Reading historical novels, I sometimes run into a mention of tea chests or opium chests, and I've always wondered: 1) were there standard sizes for either/both of those, and if so 2) what were the dimensions, capacity, and relative value thereof? #HistorySky
One of the benefits of studying history is realizing that any talk of a lost golden age is essentially bullshit.
I know it seems like we live in uniquely horrific times but my paternal grandfather was born at the beginning of the Spanish flu pandemic which was also in the middle of WWI and then in his twenties he lost most of his family in the Holocaust so I think this is actually normal for humans
A nationally-coordinated set of right wing extremist groups are taking over PTAs and seeking to dictate what will be taught in schools, sowing chaos and rancor in many school districts. They claim to be battling left wing indoctrination in the nation’s schools. The year is 1964.
hey you! want a sneak peek at mine &'s new book? it's about a civil war that fractures a continent and leaves murdered bodies to rot in cathedrals. free to read. enjoy. medievalsky 🗃️
Murder on the Church A story about vengeance in the midst of a 9th-century civil war
Unearthed at my dad's house--my first novel, written in 3rd grade 😆 This eponymous novel followed--you guessed it--Luther the Peasant, scorned for being...a bad dresser, maybe? Based on the cover art, they were into VERY pointy shoes back in whatever era this was.
RCTID! Headed to see Portland Timbers vs. Colorado Rapids soccer game!
Marcus Aurelius says u don’t have to have a take on fucking everything 🙌
"Tr√mp hocks new kicks to court the street statue demographic. Here is why this could spell trouble for Biden. "
Is trump trying to appeal to C-3PO voters with those tacky ass gold shoes
L'Hypnotiseur, by Joan Miró, 1969, 📸 via @espn
Breaking : CDC says no danger from Pop Rocks and soda
cdc says go ahead and get bangs