
Honestly shocked to consider that it was a stupid move to spend several years excoriating and alienating one of the most engaged constituencies in the country because they were middle-aged women and we had decided to hand the left over to 23-year-old podcasters who had glaring issues with their moms
So many passionate nuanced revolutionary arguments against the Wine Mom that, when read closely, all boiled down to “this woman is too old for me to fuck and she seems like she would not buy me a PlayStation”
This has verged dangerously close to Election Discourse. No follow-ups! No further questions! This is the Wine Moms’ night, I am just here for them
Recalling a moment a while back when, while volunteering for a campaign, a young progressive informed the room that "Democratic women" were not worth dealing with. I kind of raised my hand and said that would be me.
Revenge of the Wine Moms: "I'd be more likely to buy you a PlayStation than give you sex. And I'm not buying you a PlayStation."
PTA moms know how to fucking organize.
For the record I quit the PTA in a huff because of a “butter braid”fundraiser. Literally stormed out of a meeting. But those women do get shit done.
I think my fav Easter egg in Bluey is the note next to the toilet: “PTA ☹️ / fix tv”
My mom quit bc they were judgmental bitches about her being divorced. My stepmom never even went for my sibs bc it was absolutely not her scene. I went to 1 PTA meeting & decided I’d rather walk into the Everglades than go to another, and now I just Venmo the classroom moms my contribution
Internal bickering and power struggles are more or less universal to organizing, actually getting sht done unfortunately isn't. Being in an org that gets sht done despite the drama is good experience.
I say this as one who wrote the check and left most of the rest to others. I never learned to let the drama roll off me.
I know I'm half a month late to this, but what is a butter braid fundraiser?
Literally it was selling pastries called butter braids. We had previously agreed that fundraisers where we expected our school families to buy shit were not a good strategy because it was a Title I school and the families did not have extra money to spare.
Screaming with the studies and firsthand knowledge to back up the actual FACT that middle aged women are THE primary organizers of every single grassroots effort you’ve ever and never heard of
Given my political entrée (queer politics), I will never forget to glory of being able to aim PFLAG moms at a problem and watch it die like a sand castle under a firehose.
*the glory - fuckin' fingers.
And all the while they have been going out and destroying the right in every election since Dobbs
Misogyny? In MY progressive politics? It's more likely than you'd think.
I dunno man we didn’t….leave. Being ignored is like our superpower😅
happy to own up to having been dead wrong about this
Like when SuperMajority told the entire Pantsuit Nation group—a group with millions of members that was still going strong years after it formed—that SM was going to archive the page to focus its energy and efforts on young women?
i think a lot of it came down to the fact they stick to Facebook and people judge them for it
who could possibly have predicted!!
As a parent myself, I’d say few life events galvanize one’s resolve to fight for a better future. Not a requirement, but if you were a low-info normie, you might be radicalized if your 8 year-old talks about becoming a paleontologist, and your first thought is, “But will you survive the water wars?”
…not to exclude non-parents here, but the epithet “Wine Mom” specifically refers to parents. And if you’re using “wine mom” as a pejorative, then please know you’re lifting up the patriarchy (by dismissing opinions expressed by women).