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NYer, social worker, I'd rather be touching grass
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
This is a bar for only the most straight heterosexual men. Cowboys, Construction workers, Cops, Leather Bound Bikers, Firefighters, Wrestlers, and Sailors. No girl stuff. Just sweaty heterosexual men being sweaty & heterosexual & male with each other. No femmes. All He/him. Males for males. M4M.
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
I hope people understand that what we are seeing is the systematic destruction of the civil war amendments by the Supreme Court, which are what made America and actual democracy and upon which all minority rights in the United States rely
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
Here, on Received Opinion with Bolt Upright, is the last Kristi Noem segment you need to see before she pivots to prepper ration infomercials.
Dog Noem man's land
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
It will not surprise you to learn that Peter Baker’s son is just as bad as Peter Baker. All this needed was a lecture from his son on The Meritocracy
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
real echoes of the jack welchified 80’s where companies that had been totally viable and competent through two world wars and the resultant downstream upheavals just suddenly wanted nothing more but to dissolve themselves in consultancy acid to make line go up while destroying their workforces
they’ve got over 100K employees, most of whom work in manufacturing or service, and a very large number of people who may not even realize it have their retirement accounts tied up in the company
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
Democrats do not have the power to make Republicans like things they don’t like or dislike things they do like and if they did american politics would look very different. Trump is where he is because Republicans like him and want him there.
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
ladies and gentlemen of the jury does my client [gestures to splayed out snoring man face down in puddle of drool) look like he could stay awake long enough to not only have sex to completion but then scheme to pay his partner off with hush money
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
Do not forget this. The Trump team's plan is to ban abortion using a law that people in the 1920s scoffed at as delusional and old-fashioned. Playwright George Bernard Shaw coined a term, "Comstockery," to describe foolish Puritanism. It was a popular insult. Let's bring it back. FUCK COMSTOCKERY
One of Trump's top lawyers has already said the plan is to stay quiet on abortion through the campaign—then use the Comstock Act to impose a nationwide abortion ban in 2025. Not only a ban on medication abortion, but ALL abortions, in all 50 states.
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
As a result, it would be near-impossible to end a pregnancy—even in a pro-choice state. These aren't predictions I'm making, but tactics that conservatives have explicitly laid out *in writing* Republicans don't need the votes to ban abortion nationally, they just need Trump
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
Then they'll replace the head of the DOJ. The new lead will interpret the Comstock Act - a 19th century law that bans the mailing of 'obscene' materials - as applicable to abortion. That means no shipping not only of abortion pills - but tools or supplies clinics need
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
I'm seeing so many Republican women talking about a national abortion ban as a Democratic 'scare tactic' - they're repeating the GOP talking point that they'll never have enough votes for a federal ban. So let me tell you why that doesn't matter & they can ban abortion anyway
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
I hate to break it to everyone, but mixed signals, which are deliberate, will continue. Trump *intends* to muddy the waters, not clarify his position. We already know his position. He wanted Dobbs because the base did. He'll do a national ban because the base wants it.
Breaking News: Donald Trump said that abortion rights should be left up to the states, remarks that came after months of mixed signals. He added that he was “strongly in favor of exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.”
Trump Says Abortion Law Should Be Left to the After months of mixed signals, the former president said that whatever states decide “must be the law of the land,” adding that he was “strongly in favor of exceptions for rape, incest and life of the...
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
This is profoundly true. The sub-text (if not the text) of the reporting of such scandals is that their impact and importance reside in the *revealing* of them, in the fact that the secret is out.--because that's bad *politically* for the subject. A crime story becomes a horse-race story.
This has been the fundamental problem the political press has had with Trump. They’ve been conditioned to believe it’s only a scandal if it’s a secret that’s been exposed, so all the crimes that Trump does brazenly out in the open — bragging about them on camera even — somehow don’t count.
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
It's not "peak irony," it's the obvious fact that six in 10 women who have abortions are already mothers and consider their child a choice rather than something you want to force on them, you absolute monster.
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
"the Elite gay elementary school teachers are culturally oppressing good, hardworking Americans who own a chain of five car dealerships"
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
Just so we are clear what the agenda is and how the media is helping with the moral panic about wokeness and DEI: the goal is for an authoritarian party to shut down any independent sources of dissent
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
I get why this is funny, but be real: No initiative is going to outlaw "sex for fun" for cis men and they're not aiming to do that. It's going to outlaw sex for anyone who can get pregnant, because the goal is to trap women in abusive marriages and give cis men all the power in every relationship.
I, for one, wish the Republicans well as they move from “abortion is wrong” through “IVF is wrong” and straight to the jackpot of “sex for fun is wrong”
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
Christopher Rufo has never, ever been shy about this. He laid out his whole messaging strategy on "wokeness" in a fucking twitter thread. And yet so many media people keep covering him like he couldn't possibly mean what he says, & then making shocked Pikachu face when he does what he said he would.
Rufo: “I try to launder certain words and phrases into the discourse.” Dear university admins, op-ed page editors, & “reasonable observers of contemporary affairs”, you are getting played so hard like absolute dumbasses
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
I didn't think the great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money would wrap itself around MY face
Lol. Taibbi shared this text exchange between him and Musk "Elon, I've repeatedly declined to criticize you"
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
always delightful to me to see guys like Johnson and Madison Cawthorn—who are basically grown in tubes in the Focus on the Family basement and never have to hear the word "no," no matter how stupid their ideas are—actually attain positions of real power and then fly the plane right into the ground
As House Republicans flail, is Speaker Mike Johnson bad at his job, or is the House GOP simply too radical to function like a governing party?   Obviously, it's both.
Mike Johnson’s hapless speakership reaches new, embarrassing As House Speaker Mike Johnson flails, it’s reached the point that some are starting to long for the days of former Kevin McCarthy’s miserable tenure.
Reposted byAvatar SundayStyle
What you’re seeing with anti-trans laws, MeToo backlash, and abortion bans is that the right is creating an impossibly narrow definition of a woman—cis, pregnant, healthy, feminine, subservient—and subjecting those who fall outside it to both criminalization and violent hostility from vigilantes.
A UT man has been barred from attending school sport events after "belligerently" accusing a 17-year-old girl of being transgender--even after being told the student had submitted their birth certificate to comply with UT's ban on trans athletes. “I wasn’t born yesterday, I know that’s a boy"
An angry Utah parent accused a high school basketball player of being transgender. Will it keep A father attending a junior varsity basketball game in Canyons School District was banned from future games after he wrongly insisted a player on the opposing team was transgender.
End of feed.