Justin Charles

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Justin Charles


Design & tech worker | Member @NOLSW2320/@UAW ✊🏿 | Organizing w/ @demsocialists 🌹 | He/him |
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
what jokes would jerry seinfeld like to make that the wokes are preventing, I think we should hear them
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
On the other hand, I look forward to the United States withdrawing military funding and political supportfrom Israel to concentrate on economic development and human rights in Mexico and Canada
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Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
Folks aren't up to this moment in any sector. Not close.
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
everyone is mad at the CEO and staff of the social media site, finally this truly is the new Twitter
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
the ron pearlman video is good and portends a month of entertainment because SAG AFTRA is full of charismatic people who are only ever a few persuasive words from doing something unhinged for a camera. gonna be like 80s WWF promos
I have no idea where I’m supposed to post.
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"A colleague recently suggested to me that we might be experiencing a hot Zuck summer, a phrase that caused me to briefly lose consciousness."
New Mark Zuckerberg Droppedwww.theatlantic.com The tech CEO is trolling Elon Musk and posing shirtless with UFC champions. Why?
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
practice makes perfect 🪧
Time to start posting articles on here: everyone is asking if there will be a UPS strike so here’s my update on that. Negotiations broke down at 4am yesterday—O’Brien said the two sides were discussing part-time work at the time—and a strike certainly looks more likely than it did two days ago.
Teamsters Are Close to the Largest Strike in Decadesjacobin.com Today Teamsters are erecting practice picket lines as the July 31 expiration of their contract with UPS rapidly approaches. After negotiations broke down yesterday, the largest strike at a single empl...
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year of the three twitters
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How do you do, fellow wage laborers
Iowa has this unbelievable new child labor law where bosses can now hire 16-year-olds for mining jobs, 15-year-olds on assembly lines, and 14-year-olds for work in meat coolers. And the state labor department has now released this pamphlet. Swear to god this is real.
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I’m excited to reiterate the classic political dilemmas of exilic communities on here. Do we attempt to replicate the lost community? Engage in revanchism? Hybridize our traditions with the new environments where we find ourselves?
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
When the twitter mutual doesn't follow you back here
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
Elon such a fucking genius he broke two social media apps in one day. Incredible stuff
I love how at the precise moment when bsky was losing its early cachet/momentum Elon broke Twitter cause he’s an idiot and now we back up
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
and legacy admissions were outlawed, too?
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
Child care has become so expensive that it's forcing parents to quit their jobs. Child care expenses have increased by 220% since 1990, according to a new Casey Foundation report. The average cost for a toddler in some states is now over $24,000. https://t.co/MnNMBSqw65
2023 KIDS COUNT Data Bookt.co Read the 2023 KIDS COUNT Data Book reports on child well-being data across four domains — economic well-being, education, health and family and community.
Twitter too
All anyone on Bluesky every posts about is Bluesky. Also the people who run this site want to make some weird decentralized crap no one will use so they can abdicate any responsibility toward creating a real community and having any kind of values. Bluesky gets the gas face IMO
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Not many people know this, but there's an exclusive set of lightly moderated and mostly invite-only social media apps wealthy and prominent people use to post on a regular basis. They are called "newspapers."
What do I have to do to get some invite codes, damn
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
Playing videos on your phone in the subway without headphones should be banned unless it's anime
Bespoke: my entire politics is because I hate this one specific person because they’re an asshole and I oppose everything they’re about
Broke: the personal is political Woke: the political is personal
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
“Free speech absolutist” Elon Musk endorsing the most censorious governor in the union is completely consistent with what conservatives define as free speech, which is that free speech is when they can say what they want and you can say what they want.
Yo when are we gonna get some invites flowing here? Bird app looking increasingly grim.
Reposted byAvatar Justin Charles
MUSK: I am a 21st century Henry Ford ME: awesome! So you’ll make affordable cars for the masses MUSK: no, not that ME: …you’ll have unionized auto factories? MUSK: haha no not that either ME: which way are you like Henry Ford, exactly? MUSK: oh, (((you))) know the way