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Food + Travel + Tech
IT Director @ PRX
Of course Trump is involved in the illicit Hajj industry....
Reposted byAvatar Kai
This cannot be emphasized enough: in healthy democracies, this is absolutely normal. It is in “banana republics” that criminals go into politics to stay out of jail.
Reposted byAvatar Kai
Jeopardy Answer: What has been eating RFK Jr's brain?
Reposted byAvatar Kai
Reposted byAvatar Kai
This is a crucial point re the famous "A COMPUTER CAN NEVER BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE THEREFORE A COMPUTER MUST NEVER MAKE A MANAGEMENT DECISION" quote from a 1970s IBM presentation. We are about to see companies try to hide behind AI "decisions" at an unprecedented scale and we cannot allow them to do it
A good quote, tho I dislike the framing a bit. For me it's less that it MUST not make a management decision, and more that a computer DOES NOT make it. If you outsource such a decision to the computer, *that is a management decision*. It is still *your* decision, and *you are accountable for it*.
Reposted byAvatar Kai
In less than 24 hours the Stone Arch Bridge will close for 2 years of restoration. Among the greatest engineering achievements of the 19th century, the story of how it came to be is as big as the structure itself. A SAB #history mega thread! 🧵
Don't yuck my yum NYT
If you come across a bird or animal that is sick, dead or behaving strangely, keep yourself and your pets at a safe distance. The bird flu virus, H5N1, is present in at least some small fraction of New York City birds, according to a new study.
Seriously, Now Is the Time to Stop Kissing Sick Birdswww.nytimes.com A citizen-science collaboration in New York has turned up a half-dozen birds infected with the avian flu virus.
Making conversation with my coworkers
Oh shit I completely forgot about threads lol
This was the worst thing I've ever made why did I do this
This is why you should research potential opportunities
Reposted byAvatar Kai
Whatever you call it - "L'etoile du Nord", "Starflake", "F29", or something else - you can now officially voice your support for this as the new Minnesota Flag design: www3.mnhs.org/serc-finalis... Thank you!
Reposted byAvatar Kai
all my loons...gone
there are *at least* three (3) Laser Loons amongst the submitted Minnesota state flag designs
Bluesky only costume preview - fresh off the 3D printer!
Reposted byAvatar Kai
My partner and his family are from Maine, he works closely w/ organizations based in Portland. Last night we both got on X for the first time in months hoping that there might be some chance it could still work as a realtime news source when we didn’t see much here. The answer, absolutely not.
Who do you think you are fooling with this, Fitbit?
Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire is pretty cool
Reposted byAvatar Kai
Just a reminder that two prominent Federalist Society members wanted to overthrow the government by fraud and then have the government murder you if you objected. Eat that with your fuckin’ Chick-fil-A sack lunch.
I'd love to know a lot more information about how this election denial bullshit came to be the most recent thing tweeted by the MPD, feels like there's a story there
Reposted byAvatar Kai
If bluesky seems a bit "dead" to you, check in your feed settings that you don't have the minimum likes turned up to see replies. If you have that on, you're going to be missing the most recent comments that haven't accrued likes yet
A modest proposal - bluesky should be pronounced like brewsky
gotta say this already feels better than threads
End of feed.