
i missed the biden interview but don't see a lot of chatter about in on here, which makes me think there wasn't a ton of fodder for the "drop out" crew
My priors that the Biden interview would confirm everyone’s priors have been confirmed
enough of it that axelrod and another house dem are sounding the alarm now. frankly this one was enough but there's plenty more
I thought the issue was Biden's cognitive ability. This is a bad quote because it centers himself, but it's not evidence of senility at all.
In there only one issue? From what I can tell, there were many issues and the debate was just the straw that broke the camels back.
The dominant concern since the debate has been about his age and mental fitness. That’s the only thing that has made people want to go for the break-glass remedy of an open convention.
Yes, but related to that were concerns about how his campaign shielded the American public from information about his health. and anger about his campaign dismissing years of poor polling. I’ve also seen a lot of grumbling about the admin not being aggressive enough confronting the Supreme Court.
all of that plus the debate performance plus this interview all contribute to the increasing fear that he's just not up for it. im not a doctor and i do not know if he meets any sort of medical criteria for a diagnosis but that doesn't mean no diagnosis = everything's fine
If taking a a cognitive test would vindicate him and help change the subject, don’t you think he would have agreed to do it three days ago? The fact that the campaign refuses is really all you need to know.
he now has to do something no politician in their right mind would do to show he's in his right mind