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I'm Canadian, so I might be wrong, but it seems to me that anything less than an actual marked ballot for the Democratic nominee for president is a vote for every last terrible thing in Project 2025. Don't like the nominee? Suck it up, buttercup: this time you're voting just so you can vote in 2028.
Hey Silk, the new packaging for your oat milk sucks! Used to have the calories per 250mL large and on the front of the carton; now it's only available in the mandatory Nutritional Information section. And the Unsweetened is now 80 calories, versus 70 before.
Is there a term for words that have more than one pronunciation (not including regional variation), like sow, bow, read, lead, desert, etc.?
I see from various posts that today is Create a Bad Comic Day or some such. About which I can only imagine The Vancouver Sun's terrible "political cartoonist" Graham Harrop is thinking, "Amateurs! Try *every* cartoon being bad!" tl;dr Harrop's "political cartoonist" are always offensively terrible.
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
I absolutely DETEST how Biden is handling Israel / Palestine, but to protest it by NOT voting abandons everything else, so I'm going to move the needle where I can. That's what the dumb-ass American system demands. MOVE THE NEEDLE WHERE YOU CAN.
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
Whoever developed that thing where websites suss you out & say “please disable your adblocker to continue” is going to hell
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
you're telling me elves live for thousands or years, and not a single one of them made an Xbox? fucking Idiots
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
I know being a grammar and spelling pedant is classist and shitty but I still want to beg the denizens of Facebook gardening groups (and possibly autocorrect in all its forms) to understand that “perennial” and “perineal” are two very different words.
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
i think we should stop giving our ai bots female names (alexa, siri) and give them names from the old white boys club (john, james, chad) in honor of how overconfident and annoying they are even when they’re completely wrong or making stuff up
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
This week's comic: Many white Americans fail to assimilate
So Sergio Perez has gone full Filipe Massa.
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
LOL. The RI DMV doesn't want to be restrained from disallowing registration of small Japanese ("kei") trucks because "the proposed bill would restrain the DMV’s ability to further eliminate unsafe vehicles from the public roadways of the state.” My brother in christ, you register giant pickups.
Rhode Island Is Trying To Ban Kei Trucks Againwww.thedrive.com Unlike last time, though, Kei car owners have some congressional support against the RI DMV.
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
Ah yes the "Old English" of *checks notes* 1955
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Books designed to be read only by human eyes are different from books designed to be read by machines, which is why Google will tell you that the phrase “shake my booty” can be found in an 1863 English translation of Don Quixote.
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
The so called paradox of tolerance is resolved when you see tolerance as a social contract: if you break the contract, you are no longer party to it. Simple as.
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Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
OH MY GOD… A Turning Point rep (Charlie Kirk’s org) tweeted this out and look at the response.
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Uber: we can't make money if we have to follow the law Google: we can't make money if we're not allowed to be a monopoly Nestle: we can't make money without using slave labor OpenAI: we can't make money if we can't steal media: should shoplifters be executed?
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
while we're on the topic of hobby lobby i dont think its brought up often enough that they spent millions to purchase illegally looted ancient artifacts from the middle east, in particular iraq, including the fucking GILGAMESH DREAM TABLET
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
The thing about Joe Biden being an elderly man with a poor memory is that his likely opponent is an elderly man with a poor memory who has been indicted for 91 felonies and found liable for rape
Having issues with TRaSH guides for *arrs on Unraid and serverbuilds.net's "auto-mounting Linux filesystems" guide on a Ubuntu box for Plex transcoding not playing nicely together. One says "make sure 'use hard links' is on," the other recommends to turn them off to solve the 'not updating' problem.
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
why do polls always ask the wrong questions and give incomplete response choices? it's like they want them to be ignored.
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Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
Penn Jillette has more or less renounced libertarianism, which is good
Reposted byAvatar Karyudo
🔵 This week's Tom the Dancing Bug comic: Lucky Ducky, in "Dog Show" - Brought to you by the good people in the Inner Hive, including Brad Goldman and new member AAA Cleaners. PLEASE DO join them at tomdbug.wpcomstaging.com/the-inner-hi... . - Read the comic right here👇
As my brother notes, Identifont sorta sucks. Give it the letters you have, and it almost universally fails to ask anything specific about those letters. What we need is "Aidentifont," which would be an almost ideal use of AI.
End of feed.