
This is not "intolerance"--this is a statement of fact, the simple truth. Bluesky dishonors itself with this Biden-esque label, itself a caricature of honesty.
Yeah tbh the dam meme is why I won’t be following back, but this is just information. It’s not like this is even a unique origin story for a country, hi from America
I've long thought a major, core reason U$A identifies so closely with Israel is both nations were founded & expanded in essentially the same way: colonial racist projects "justified" by their sky gods, stealing land they took from those they terrorized & murdered; both nations called selves "zion."
I don’t even pretend to know, when it comes to this one. I like to think actual shame about turning away Jewish refugees was a factor
in a way, the creation of Israel represented a continuation of turning away Jewish refugees – by redirecting them away from Europe and North America
explicitly part of the reason for the balfour declaration
To a degree, obviously that was far from absolute and we were open about treating the St. Louis as a mark of shame. That one I first heard about right in a public school But it's a big country, and for that to be a continuously possessed thought by more than 1 person from then to now? Oh yeah
I'd like to think shame is a possible factor in what U$ governance does, but I confess to being skeptical; in some individuals, yes...but never at the topmost levels, and not in most individuals. I can't prove this, but it's my best guess.
theodore herzl is the guy you wanna look up info about to learn more. it's worse than you might imagine! way, way worse! also it's pretty clear that national support for israel came as a way to not guarantee safety for jewish peoples in their own countries, not to absolve them for indolence
Oh yeah there's a lot of amazing stuff there lmao. But if I'm understanding they're talking more about our post-WWII relationship as official nations, and to state the obvious there was a shitload of additional context by then 1/2
It wasn’t. Grow up and learn something about how fucked up the world is and quit pretending to be some aloof fence straddling asshole. It will take you all of 5 minutes of reading to realize how supremely fucked up the existence of Israel is.
Tho you didn't invite my 2 cents, I regret the way you responded to the suggestion that guilt about turning away Jews during WWII might have been part of what influenced (some) US policy towards Israel today. It's plausible, no? Also, I suspect the 3 of us have far more in common than not. Regards.
I just looked at the Dam meme and that's genuinely messed up. THIS is what got tagged?
Who do we tag about this getting the intolerance label? Because if a human being and not a bot did this, I want to give them a giant fuck you.
At minimum,, partially as I can’t recall the person who’s meant to be managing it.
Ah, I got it wrong. The address I was actually thinking of about this is [email protected]. An email address, not a Bsky address. :/
intolerance of what, state violence?
How is this "intolerance" bluesky mods, you dumb fucks
We must be tolerant of genocides and other crimes against humanity.
What, are we supposed to "tolerate" what's happening?
No. Both sides – but especially Israel – need to stand down. No one is benefitting – if not everyone losing – from this war.
image description: the post was of a billboard where the following text was put on digitally: ISRAEL BECAME A COUNTRY BY KILLING PALESTINIANS AND STEALING THEIR LAND
I love how this had no alt text, so you did it yourself. :þ
why the hell is this labeled as intolerance BLUESKY!
white supremacist company even if unintentionally on the part of the current employees that's the company dna you get when jack dorsey starts a company
Ohh so this account has everything it posts flagged indiscriminately because it is intolerant for reasons other than this post?
feels like you could just check their feed but no!
Well i figure i might not have the full history of an account based in a quick look at their recent feed but yeah this does seem weird on bskys part huh
Will bsky label bots tag this blatant admission by the IDF? Doubt it.
Sort of like how the United States became a country by stealing the land from the Native Americans.
Don't forget the terrorism
How is this still fucking tagged as intolerance
To their credit, bsky did untag this post.
I'm pretty sure most countries became countries roughly the same way. I'm not trying to justify it, but we humans need to all take a long hard look inward.
mislabelling drama sidetracks from the real reason this post should be hidden: no alt text
Ayyyyy! Another member ov the #a11y gang!
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service